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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Index for Week of September 15, 2002
Saturday, September 21, 2002 | ||||
Heeere He Comes to Save (09/21/02 09:00:12 PM; 160 words) Heeere He Comes to Save the Daaaaaay The Mighty Barrister takes on Frances Quisling. Eric at The Mighty Barrister blogged Lies from the Catholics for a Free Choice Site yesterday:.... |
Boycott C.A.I. John Betts has (09/21/02 07:45:52 PM; 167 words) Boycott C.A.I. John Betts has been busy, busy, busy. Just Your Average Catholic Guy has started a new weblog, Boycott C.A.I. It would appear that Robert Sungenis' instransigence on removing.... |
"Who is our enemy?" A (09/21/02 11:30:17 AM; 696 words) "Who is our enemy?" A monumental essay at USS Clueless. From Steven Den Beste, Wednesday: .... We're everything that they think they should be, everything they once were, and by.... |
Friday, September 20, 2002 | ||||
September Evening One of my (09/20/02 01:40:50 PM; 13 words) September Evening One of my poems is 14 years old today. September Evening |
Enemies Domestic? "Prior Knowledge of (09/20/02 07:42:56 AM; 324 words) Enemies Domestic? "Prior Knowledge of Sept. 11 Not Just Urban Legend" From Insight on the News, Sep. 10: "What are you looking at?" asked the schoolteacher as she approached one.... |
Thursday, September 19, 2002 | ||||
You Should Probably Skip This (09/19/02 02:57:26 PM; 229 words) You Should Probably Skip This One I am assuming you don't want to have a stroke. Rob Douglas - Douglas Investigations reports today the following about "Rev." Jesse Jackson last.... |
Re: The Welborn Protocol and (09/19/02 01:53:07 PM; 497 words) Re: The Welborn Protocol and The Blog from the Core Steven Riddle has blogged a complaint of The Welborn Protocol: .... What is happening is that traditionally accepted protocols, courtesy,.... |
Some Good News About Charles Chiniquy (09/19/02 01:28:11 PM; 204 words) Some Good News About Charles Chiniquy The owner of CHINIQUY: FACTS VERSUS FALSEHOOD wrote to me not long ago to tell me that most Internet search engines now bring up.... |
My Own Apologies to Flos (09/19/02 01:03:13 PM; 163 words) My Own Apologies to Flos Carmeli I have been very remiss in acknowledging Steven Riddle's kind words. (But I have been absorbed in other affairs, too.) Poetry is Breaking Out.... |
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 | ||||
It's Things Like This That (09/18/02 08:33:11 PM; 1191 words) It's Things Like This That Really Try My Charity And almost make me fervently hope that that stinking bastard "Pastor" Charles Chiniquy is really enjoying his very special place in.... |
Dale Hits the Mark Dale (09/18/02 07:53:21 PM; 266 words) Dale Hits the Mark Dale Price blogged some excellent observations yesterday about The Bob Sungenis Death Spiral: .... I was shocked by Sungenis' writings, but one of the shocks was.... |
"Rolling Back Radical Islam" In (09/18/02 08:23:45 AM; 450 words) "Rolling Back Radical Islam" In Parameters, the quarterly journal of the US Army War College, by Ralph Peters: .... We are not at war with Islam. But the most radical.... |
Flight 93 @ ELCore.Net Eighty-eight (09/18/02 07:16:50 AM; 23 words) Flight 93 @ ELCore.Net Eighty-eight photos from the Flight 93 crash site and Shanksville memorial service, September 11, 2002. Flight 93 @ ELCore.Net |
Tuesday, September 17, 2002 | ||||
"Daschle Dawdle Watch" The Indepundit (09/17/02 09:26:30 PM; 321 words) "Daschle Dawdle Watch" The Indepundit is keeping track of the belly-crawling of South Dakota's senatorial snake in the grass. From The Indepundit Scott Koenig: .... Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle.... |
"Bloglossary" Well, that's what cut (09/17/02 11:31:30 AM; 37 words) "Bloglossary" Well, that's what cut on the bias calls this at a dictionary of weblog-related terms. It's nice to know exactly what "fisking" is, since I apparently did that.... |
Monday, September 16, 2002 | ||||
Way More Patient Than I (09/16/02 10:24:54 PM; 19 words) Way More Patient Than I Am Dave Armstrong, that is. As demonstrated in Tim [Enloe]'s Epistemological Double Standard. |
"From Roamin' to Catholic" By (09/16/02 10:12:56 PM; 172 words) "From Roamin' to Catholic" By Jim Cork. Bill Cork's brother Jim has his conversion story here: .... Aside from weddings and funerals, I had never been in a Catholic church.... |
Rerum Novarum Discourses on Authority (09/16/02 09:53:12 PM; 331 words) Rerum Novarum Discourses on Authority and Infallibility Shawn McElhinney makes some important distinctions in reply to an e-mail: .... I for one think any usage of the word "infallible" should.... |
Robert Sungenis' Meltdown I have (09/16/02 09:44:26 PM; 169 words) Robert Sungenis' Meltdown I have refrained from blogging about Bob Sungenis' (in)famous article Conversion of the Jews, mostly because I don't know what to say about it and, for once,.... |
"Become What You Are" The (09/16/02 09:24:45 PM; 51 words) "Become What You Are" The new kid on the block. David Reuter has a young weblog: Dedicated to the struggle to fully understand and fulfill our mission as Catholic families.... |
Sunday, September 15, 2002 | ||||
"War makes politics real" This (09/15/02 11:29:31 AM; 182 words) "War makes politics real" This very thoughtful essay by Joan Ryan appeared in the local paper yesterday: .... The time is past when we can roll our eyes at political.... |
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