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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Wed. 11/06/02 07:19:34 AM

The United States of America Roundly Repudiates Senator Tom Daschle

And squarely repudiates William Jefferson Clinton, too.

With a note of thanks from me to Peter Jennings.

That's my take on the historic results of the election yesterday, in which the party not in the White House did not lose seats in either house of the Congress in the first mid-term election of the presidency. (It's my understanding that the last time this happened was 1902.) What's more, the party not in the White House actually gained seats in both congressional bodies, and (most likely) regained control (if not necessarily a majority) in the Senate.

Tom Daschle has been ruling the Senate with a bitterly partisan iron fist, and Patrick Leahy has been doing the same thing with the Senate's Judiciary Committee. Amazingly, the public actually noticed, and they didn't like what they noticed.

Unfortunately for their party, the Senate Republicans are likely, I think, to live up to their reputation around here as being The Stupid Party, that doesn't know what to do when they actually win, and elect Trent "The Spineless" Lott as majority leader.

I think that Bill Clinton is still running a lot of the show in the Democrat Party on the national level, especially through his minion Terry McAuliffe. I also think that, despite (or, rather, because of) denials to the contrary, the national Democrat leadership orchestrated the mawkish "memorial" for Sen. Paul Wellstone, and everybody was disgusted by this further "Clintonization" of Democrat party politics. Moreover, I haven't noticed that Clinton's backing of any candidate anywhere did that candidate any good. Especially in the Florida gubernatorial race, which Democrats wanted to win so bad they could taste it.

I also think that the Democrats have been victims of their own phony propaganda. (Especially the very, very foolish lie that George Bush is dumb.)

Enough of that, since I really don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to things like that. Who does?

I stayed up unusually late last night: I was fascinated watching the election returns as they came in. Almost all the time, I watched FOX News Channel.

About one o'clock, I got what turned out to be a wonderful idea. I decided to see how Peter Jennings was reacting to the election returns as they came in.

Wonderful idea. Marvelous, blessed, wonderful idea.

Ashen is the most fitting description of his face. And, I swear, he looked ten years older than the last time I saw him while channel surfing.

O, it was great.

Almost as great was the admission by Donna Brazille, on MSNBC, that the election results are a "nightmare" for the Democrat party — immediately after Peggy Noonan's conciliatory recommendation that the Democrats view this as an opportunity for further bipartisan actions which, she opined, would be good for the Democrat party.

A few words from Mark Shea last night:

.... I look forward to a demoralized, radicalized, ever more stupid Democratic party sinking further and further behind. I want a Democratic party with the brains of Barbara Streisand, the voice of James Carville, the looks of Bella Abzug, the masterful helmsmanship of Terry McAuliffe, the credibility of Bill Clinton, the warm appeal of Hillary Clinton, and the relevance of Walter Mondale. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people....

Peter Jennings ashen faced: what a sight to spawn sweet dreams for any America-loving soul on election night in Small-Town America.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Wed. 11/06/02 07:19:34 AM
Categorized as Most Notable & Political.


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