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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 11/22/02 11:16:54 AM

"Filial appeal to Pope John Paul II."

I have received an e-mail, with the subject line quoted above, from Saint Gabriel Communications, an organization based in Australia, which includes the following:

.... To the very best of our knowledge, the Leonine prayers have never been the object of formal abrogation by any Council document, Vatican Congregation decree, Pontifical pronouncement or decision by any Bishops’ Conference.
If so, and in line with the basic principle whereby what is not explicitly forbidden is implicitly allowed, the Leonine prayers remain in force in the Catholic Church.

Actually, the Leonine Prayers were suppressed by Inter Oecumenici 48j, Sep. 24, 1964. Moreover, "what is not explicitly forbidden is implicitly allowed" is not a "basic principle" of Catholic liturgy.

[Follow-up: "Restoring the Use of the Prayers of Pope Leo XIII after Mass".]

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 11/22/02 11:16:54 AM
Categorized as Religious.


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