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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 11/29/02 10:24:02 AM

"Restoring the Use of the Prayers of Pope Leo XIII after Mass"

At Catholic Exchange yesterday.

Re: "Filial appeal to Pope John Paul II."

In the blog referenced above, I posted some of the text of an e-mail which claimed that the Leonine Prayers had never been officially suppressed and that "what is not explicitly forbidden is implicitly allowed" is a "basic principle" which may be applied to Catholic liturgy. Neither of these claims is correct. (And the latter is rendered moot by the former being wrong.)

Unfortunately, Catholic Exchange posted the entire text of the e-mail yesterday.

I don't oppose the restitution of the Leonine Prayers; I don't support it either: I have no opinion about doing so. I just happen to think that readily verifiable claims ought to be accurate. Go figure. :)

FWIW, here is the text of my reply to the e-mail, which reply I sent to SaintMichael @ iinet . net . au a week ago today:

The Last Gospel and the Leonine Prayers were explicitly and specifically suppressed in Inter Oecumenici 48j, an instruction from the Consilium for the Implementation of the Constitution on the Liturgy, approved by Pope Paul VI, issued September 26, 1964, and effective March 7, 1965.
http : // www . ewtn . com / library / CURIA / CDWINOEC . HTM

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 11/29/02 10:24:02 AM
Categorized as Religious.


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