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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 11/29/02 02:09:35 PM

"My Heart on the Line"

Family Ties in real life.

The other day, The Washington Post ran an article by a liberal writer whose son is now a Marine:

Before my son became a Marine, I never thought much about who was defending me. Now when I read of the war on terrorism or the coming conflict in Iraq, it cuts to my heart. When I see a picture of a member of our military who has been killed, I read his or her name very carefully. Sometimes I cry....
Why were I and the other parents at my son's private school so surprised by his choice? During World War II, the sons and daughters of the most powerful and educated families did their bit. If the immorality of the Vietnam War was the only reason those lucky enough to go to college dodged the draft, why did we not encourage our children to volunteer for military service once that war was done?
Have we wealthy and educated Americans all become pacifists? Is the world a safe place? Or have we just gotten used to having somebody else defend us? What is the future of our democracy when the sons and daughters of the janitors at our elite universities are far more likely to be put in harm's way than are any of the students whose dorms their parents clean?
I feel shame because it took my son's joining the Marine Corps to make me take notice of who is defending me. I feel hope because perhaps my son is part of a future "greatest generation." As the storm clouds of war gather, at least I know that I can look the men and women in uniform in the eye. My son is one of them. He is the best I have to offer. He is my heart.

In the wake of Thanksgiving Day, I think we should reflect on how much we owe to those who dedicate their lives, and sometimes risk their lives, for the safety, health, and security of others, and to be grateful for them: our soldiers and sailors and others in the military; police and firefighters; and, EMS and other medical personnel.

(Thanks Peter.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 11/29/02 02:09:35 PM
Categorized as Social/Cultural.


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