The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tuesday, December 03, 2002
AP/CNN Just Dumb It was a stupid typo, more or less, not an act of deception. So points out Best of the Web Today: .... An item yesterday quoted an Associated Press dispatch that misstated by an order of magnitude the number of law-enforcement agencies that participated in the FBI's Crime Index for 2000. The correct number is 11,691, not 1,160.... See AP and CNN Deceive Their Readers. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 12/03/02 09:01:07 PM |
"Stirring Up a Hornets Nest (Perhaps)" Dept. Who? Moi? Rerum Novarum takes notice of The Blog. Shawn blogged yesterday with reference to my latest blog on the Leonine Prayers, specifically the following: I don't oppose the restitution of the Leonine Prayers; I don't support it either: I have no opinion about doing so. Perhaps I should add that I have no opinion on this subject because I have neither studied it nor pondered it enough to have an opinion worth having about it. BTW, I have written to both St. Gabriel Communications and Catholic Exchange to inform them that the Leonine Prayers were indeed suppressed. Nobody seems to be paying me any attention, though. Except Shawn! :) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 12/03/02 08:38:56 PM |
A Catholic Critique of Certain Protestant Notions Concerning the Biblical Canon By Gary Hoge at his Catholic Outlook Discussion Board a while back. Gary Hoge responds to certain ideas about how books came to be included in the Bible: .... Dr. Bahnsen asserts that "the canon is not the product of the Christian church." If he's referring to the books themselves, he's right. They are the product of divine inspiration. But if he's referring to the list of those books, he's wrong. It's a simple fact of history that the list, not being given in Scripture itself, was formulated by the Church centuries later. Indeed, before we can get to the Word of God in Genesis 1:1, we first have to accept the word of the Church in the table of contents. In my experience nobody lives as if he really believes that "the church has no authority to... define the Word of God." Rather, we all accept -- without question -- the list we were handed by the Christian church, in whatever form we happened to encounter that church.... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 12/03/02 05:53:39 PM |
An Overview of Predestination By Edwin Tait at CCMB yesterday. A very well written exposition of some of the main theologies concerning predestination: .... A word about my background. I'm not Catholic but an Episcopalian who studies church history at Duke University and has often seriously considered conversion to Catholicism. So basically I'm a sympathetic outsider with some knowledge of the subject. Predestination is God's choosing of certain people for salvation. The most important Biblical text with regard to this is Romans 9-11, though there are many others. There are several possible views on this: here are the three basic ones: .... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 12/03/02 05:47:16 PM |
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