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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Wed. 12/04/02 08:44:11 AM

The Corner Way Behind St. Blog's

Rod Dreher took note yesterday of Harry's Stein's article in the Autumn 2002 issue of City Journal.

Lex Communis and The Blog from the Core told you about it, Oct. 29. :)

But Dreher also called attention later to an article at OpinionJournal, showing how Stein was correct in his judgement that Robert McTeer was the real target of the smear:

"Which office do I go to to get my reputation back?" These were the words Ray Donovan addressed to the prosecutor after being acquitted of the fraud and larceny charges that had forced him two years earlier to resign as Ronald Reagan's secretary of labor.
Robert McTeer might be asking himself the same question. The head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Mr. McTeer has been named a possible successor to Alan Greenspan. Which is precisely how he was listed in a recent New York Times article. With this kicker: "Uncomfortable questions" could be provoked by any McTeer nomination, warned the Times. The cause of those "uncomfortable" questions? "Earlier this year," the article reported, Mr. McTeer had "arranged a conference at which a speech by a conservative author was criticized by some Fed officials as offensive to blacks and gays." ....

Oh. I see now that Ramesh Ponnuru blogged about the City Journal article, Oct. 30. We still beat 'em, though.

Seriously, Dreher is right: "We have got to end this damnable situation, aided and abetted by the media, whereby a man may be adjudged guilty of racism simply because someone, somewhere, decided to be offended by his words, regardless of their actual content." Use of the Internet will help: it makes articles, such as Stein's in City Journal, available to, literally, millions of people who otherwise would never hear of them.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Wed. 12/04/02 08:44:11 AM
Categorized as Other.


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