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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 12/05/02 07:39:31 PM

"Whitewashed Tombs"

A readworthy blog at cut on the bias.

From Susanna Cornett yesterday, in wake of the most recent revelations about abuse and coverup in the Boston Archdiocese:

.... The deepest pain for me is the total evil and godlessness of men who claim to serve God but either use their position of trust to violate others or hide the behavior for reasons having nothing to do with spirituality. It shows a heart more concerned with earthly position and wealth than with God's law or his children. The behavior is not exclusive to the Catholic church, but the hierarchical structure and pervasive nature of their priesthood leaves them at greater risk of this kind of abuse. I do admire the devotion and spirituality of many Catholics. I hope they persevere and bring about the changes that will foster even greater spirituality in the future.

Readworthy comments, too.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 12/05/02 07:39:31 PM
Categorized as Religious.


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