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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 12/06/02 10:20:18 AM

Yes, What Good Are Journalists, Anyway?

Reflecting on a column at NRO, Wednesday, blogger Jeff Brokaw asked some pointed questions that same day at OpinionsGalore:

.... What GOOD are journalists if they are oblivious to the conflict of interest that exists when they use sources such as the the UN and Department of State, or locals in countries that kill those who are viewed as traitors, such as Palestinians in the West Bank, Afghans sympathetic to the Taliban, and Iraqis who fear torture or death?
Millions of people around the world do not enjoy the freedoms we take for granted, but our press would rather cover the latest Dem/Repub dust-up than, say, the genocide that is ongoing right now in Zimbabwe, or the Iranian student protests, or the unbelievable hatred that spews from the mouths of the Muslim clerics every single Friday, at mosques not only in the Middle East but the USA and Europe as well.
Apparently, none of these stories rates very highly on the moral compass of the "elite" editors and producers of NYT, WaPo, ABC, NBC, and CBS. They are too busy covering whatever Al Gore is yapping about lately. If this is not a moral failing, on a grand and colossal scale, I don't know what is....

Bryan Preston took up yesterday where Jeff had left off:

.... For you real journalists out there reading this, Jeff has just described why there are 100,000 blogs out there with writers working for gratis to ask the questions you guys get paid to fail to ask. We're tired of waiting on you....

This reminds me of a memorable remark I caught gorgeous blonde brilliant conservative firebrand Ann Coulter saying on Hannity & Colmes the other night: "They got slaughtered by the Internet." Meaning, the Democrats on Nov. 5. FWIW, I think she's right.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 12/06/02 10:20:18 AM
Categorized as Media.


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