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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sun. 12/08/02 08:06:27 PM

"Local Dancer Following Dream to Broadway"

By Joanna Blair in the Tribune-Review.

A friend of mine writes today about another friend of mine:

Maria Gismondi, a fixture in the theater department at California University of Pennsylvania since her first "Nutcracker" performance in 1996, will leave for New York City next month, hoping to perform on Broadway.
"I'm going with the attitude that I'm taking over the city," Gismondi said. "I'm going to New York completely fearless, which is a great feeling." ....
Gismondi saw the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater production of "The Nutcracker" at age 4 and knew then she wanted to be a ballerina. However she had to wait a year to start taking lessons.
"I couldn't wait," she said, "I was counting the days. I knew even at that age that ballet was going to play an important role in my life. Ballet is my beginning; it's the deepest part of me, the most sincere part of me, my foundation." ....

I have known Joanna for a few years; I've known Maria since she was a little girl; her parents live on the next block over from me.

I got to take some pictures at The Nutracker last year. Here are two of them: the first, of Maria on stage as the Sugar Plum Fairy; the second, of Maria (right) with her friend Kris Pramuk, who danced the Snow Queen.

I know few words to adequately describe Maria, as a person and a performer: splendid and spectacular come immediately to mind, though.

See also Ballet theater to stage ‘The Nutcracker’ performances.

P.S. I also have a couple of pictures of Maria (as the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Homecoming Parade) in The View from the Core 2.10.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sun. 12/08/02 08:06:27 PM
Categorized as Other & Photos.


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