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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 12/09/02 01:24:20 PM


Now the Howellization of Augusta National makes sense to me.

Sometimes, your Faithful Blogster is a little too slow on the uptake. Sorry.

I don't think I've blogged anything about the Howellization* of the male-only membership policy of August National. (For some background, see this article, for instance.)

But I've been running it through my mind. And this has been my question: why? Why is Howell Raines doing this to Augusta National? Does he have some personal score to settle with Hootie? Does he have some personal connection with the man-hater woman who's been raising the fuss? Why? (I guess it goes without saying that I don't buy the brainlessly pious explanation that he's interested in "justice" or "fairness" or "equality" or some other equally specious cultural-Marxist buzzword.)

Now word comes that President Bush will nominate John W. Snow to replace Paul O'Neill as Secretary of the Treasury. And... Snow belongs to... Augusta National.

Aha! I said to myself. Now the Howellization of Augusta makes sense to me.

Do I think Raines had some inkling that O'Neill was on the way out — which a lot of people say they could see coming a mile away — and that Snow (or some other member of Augusta) might be tagged as a replacement? Do I think so? No. Do I sure suspect it very strongly? You betcha! Because, for the first time, the Howellization of Augusta makes sense to me: it was/is for a very specific political purpose.

See also All the News That's Fit for Ginning Up.

* "Howellization", in preference to "Rainesization" or "Rainesification". It is easier to read and has the advantage, I think, of sounding a lot like "howl-ization". :)

P.S. I hear now that Snow has already resigned to avoid controversy over his Augusta membership. Still, "I sure suspect it very strongly".

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 12/09/02 01:24:20 PM
Categorized as Political.


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