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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 12/09/02 03:51:31 PM

Church Mutual Insurance Company

Jim Goodluck, a Catholic lawyer active in apologetics, posted the following to an e-mail list to which I subscribe, which I blog here with his permission:

I was reading a recent article by historian Dr. Philip Jenkins, mentioning that the Church Mutual Insurance Company has reported that it received over 700 claims from victims of sexual abuse by Protestant ministers during a 10 year period.
I do not recall reading in the newspapers, or anywhere else, of any prosecutor asking for these documents.
On the other hand, nearly every day, I see reports in the media of prosecutors demanding records from the Catholic church, of any accusations of sexual abuse by priests.
If you hear that your local prosecutor is demanding records from the Catholic Church, you might want to pass along that the Church Mutual Insurance Company might have some documents about Protestant clergy sex abuse that may be of interest for prosecutorial scrutiny.
P.S. For anyone wanting to pursue this, the address of the Church Mutual Insurance Company can be found on this page:
http:// www . churchmutual . com / contact

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 12/09/02 03:51:31 PM
Categorized as Religious.


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