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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 12/12/02 10:39:52 AM

J. C. Watts Agrees With Me, Too

Plus, a thought on The Snake in the Grass Sen. Tom Daschle.

Re: Trent Lott is a Twit: But, what's all this fuss?

Here is J. C. Watt's statement on Trent Lott's remarks:

As the incoming majority leader already said about himself, Senator Lott went too far. He told me he would like to have his words back, but I took his comments as complimentary humor that often accompanies personal tributes.
His comments were as serious as the venue at which they were delivered - a birthday party.
We should accept his apology, get out of our offices and do some holiday shopping.

Watts is chairman of the House Republican Conference. I would also say he is black, but as we all know it is not possible for a Republican politician to be black.

Also, some have been wondering why on earth Tom Daschle gave Trent Lott a pass on his remarks since so many other Democrats are breathing fire. Well, as far as I can tell, Daschle has found Lott to be a pushover. Daschle probably does not want somebody with gonads as the Senate's Majority Leader in the next Congress. Thus, he wanted to defuse the situation before Lott got blown out of the water, and out of the Senate leadership.

(Thanks Kathryn.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 12/12/02 10:39:52 AM
Categorized as Political.


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