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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 12/12/02 09:17:38 PM

In Light of the Law

And more on Cardinal Ratzinger.

From a notice at, I see that Edward Peters has some very fine stuff up at his weblog.

Unfortunately, there does not appear to be any way to link directly to current items. Dom references "The Manchester Agreement", Dec. 11, an excellent, hard-hitting piece. (What does M.O.S. stand for?)

Allow me to refer you to "Anti-Catholic U.S. Media", Dec. 4:

.... I agree with the Cardinal. I would simply add, though, as one who has watched, and tried to fight, anti-Catholicism in the US media throughout my adult life, that even the most outrageous accusations of the infamous Maria Monk canard pale against the real life deeds of scores, if not hundreds, of our priests, frequently with the knowledge of, or at least the culpably negligent ignorance by, our bishops. Anti-Catholics in the US media have no need for lies when the truth condemns. Yes, our enemies rejoice over us. But it is we who have betrayed the City into their hands. God surely sees the hearts of those who hate the Church and delight in its suffering. But, in the meantime, each of us has contributed to this debacle by our own sins, and, just as surely, we must each contribute to the Church’s recovery by our own acts of personal repentance.

See Where is Mainstream Media When It Comes to Investigating Child Sexual Abuse?

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 12/12/02 09:17:38 PM
Categorized as Religious.


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