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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 12/13/02 09:52:04 AM

"Molly Ivins' Crimes Against Journalism"

The Mighty Barrister socks it to another Hate America Firster.

"If not for the 'unbearably bloody Crusades,' you, my dear Molly, would be typing your column on 'How to prepare flatbreads for Ramadan' from behind a burka."


.... The Crusades were wars, dear Molly, with two purposes: to take back the Holy Lands that the bloody Muslims took from the Christians by force and bloodshed, and to drive the Muslims from Europe, where they had taken hold by force and bloodshed. If not for the "unbearably bloody Crusades," you, my dear Molly, would be typing your column on "How to prepare flatbreads for Ramadan" from behind a burka. The deaths attributable to the Inquisition were primarily from the Spanish government, not by Christianity per se. Ethnic cleansing is a trait of a totalitarian regime, with the Communists in Russia and China - not Christianity - as its leading proponents. Slavery was mostly abolished by Christians, only to see a comeback in the New World, fuled by African (non-Christian) tribes who sold their fellow tribesmen and captured warring tribesmen into slavery ... and the list goes on and on....

Al Gore has been talking lately about a "fifth column" in the media — meaning right-wingers. I think he's looking in the wrong direction.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 12/13/02 09:52:04 AM
Categorized as Media.


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