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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 12/14/02 07:27:00 AM

A Lie Has No Legs and Cannot Stand

But it has wings and can fly far and wide.

I don't remember who wrote that epigram, but it surely applies to the New York Post's defamation of Pope John Paul II, as I have been informed:

Incidentally, Glenn Beck, an obnoxious, ranting radio talkshow host, raved this morning [Friday, Dec. 13] on the air that JP2 had told Cardinal Law to transfer molesters around. I don't know if anyone called and corrected him on it (or if he would have listened if they had), but I hope someone set him straight.

I had never heard of Glenn Beck before, which looks to have been a blessing of which I was unaware. Here is his website, the clutter of which is just about enough to make your head spin.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 12/14/02 07:27:00 AM
Categorized as Media.


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