The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 12/14/02 12:57:56 PM
Dear Sen. T. Lot A "scoop" for The Blog from the Core. Yes. I am "scooping" the whole world here, publishing this personal, private letter that has miraculously fallen into my hands: Dear Sen. T. Lot: Thank you very mouch for fluff remark at birthday party by which you have distracted entire USA media establishment, also most of political establishment too. Until this week, it was me who was being made out to be Living Incarnation of Satan Himself and Number One Enemy of USA. Now everybody sees that it is you who are # 1 Enemy of USA and Satan Living Incarnate. Too too bad you have lost influence with White House and will not be able to get WH to quit thinking of me as Living Satan. But thank you very mouch any way. Sincerely, Saddam Hussein P.S. Any chance you can get UN to make weapons inspectors (giggle giggle ha! ha! snort) go to Ms. Isippi instead? No? Any way, keep on appologizing, okay? Thank you very very mouch! Lane Core Jr. CIW P Sat. 12/14/02 12:57:56 PM |
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