The Weblog at The View from the Core - Wed. 12/18/02 11:23:01 PM
Yes, PBS Crapped on American Taxpayers For two hours tonight, the Public Broadcasting Service was the Muslim Broadcasting Service. And you and I, American taxpayer, paid to make it and broadcast it. Re: PBS Craps on American Taxpayers. I'm sorry to have to say that, in my estimation, Daniel Pipe's report on the PBS The life of Mohammed, the early history of Islam, and a peaceful, moderate understanding of the religion, were all presented in a manner wholly, entirely, completely, and utterly uncritical. I need hardly say how this kind of treatment stands in marked contrast with the way mainstream media deals with the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, the history of Christianity, and a peaceful, moderate understanding of the religion. (Think "right-wing fundamentalists". Enough said.) No statement from the New Testament, no quotation from ancient Christian tradition, no confession of orthodox belief is ever presented without the immediate presentation of critical viewpoints from secular scholars and heterodox Christians. (Think "The Jesus Seminar." Enough said.) For instance? One Kevin James, a New York City fire marshal, explained how his Muslim faith convinced him to get into firefighting. If this And James recalled how, when rushing towards the World Trade Center on 9-11, "I just felt, oh, in the back of my head, please don't be Muslims doing this" this being, of course, hijacking planes and flying them into buildings to rain horrible, crushing, terrifying, flaming death on innocent, unsuspecting civilians. If this Let me repeat myself: the PBS "documentary" presented not a moment not a single moment of critical analysis of any of the claims made regarding the life of Mohammed, the early history of his religion, or a completely benign understanding of the precepts of the faith. A while back, PBS used to trumpet itself by asking (something like) If not us, then who? The implied answer, of course, was Nobody. That answer sounds mighty good to me right now. Here is the e-mail feedback form at the PBS website. P.S. I do not question the sincerity of the individuals presented on the program; but I most certainly do impugn the integrity of those responsible for making and broadcasting it. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Wed. 12/18/02 11:23:01 PM |
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