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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 12/19/02 12:26:43 PM

Happy Holidays!

I almost forgot to tell you about this.

The final slap in the face irony about the broadcast of Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet shouldn't be overlooked.

I watched it on the local PBS station, WQED in Pittsburgh. Immediately after subjecting their audience to two hours of the Muslim catechism, they showed a little vignette of a snowy winter scene — over which was superimposed the vapid, vacuous, wishy-washy, non-religious, politically correct text "Happy Holidays".

Yep. After broadcasting, partly at taxpayers' expense, Muslim propaganda that, I'm sure, will be used by some America-hating, scheming, violent Islamist extremists to help them to keep the lid from blowing off for as long as they can continue to fool people, WQED was oh so brave enough to wish everybody "Happy Holidays" — seven days before CHRISTMAS.

Happy Freakin' Holidays to you, too, WQED.

P.S. If you are wondering why I call it "Muslim propaganda", take a look at the list of sponsors (last page) some time; more are listed at the conclusion of the broadcast. You never saw a longer list of Arabic names — except maybe the roll of 9-11 hijackers.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 12/19/02 12:26:43 PM
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