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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Index for Week of December 08, 2002
Saturday, December 14, 2002 | ||||
Dear Sen. T. Lot (12/14/02 12:57:56 PM; 177 words) Dear Sen. T. Lot A "scoop" for The Blog from the Core. Yes. I am "scooping" the whole world here, publishing this personal, private letter that has miraculously fallen into.... |
San Juan de la Cruz (12/14/02 11:16:47 AM; 172 words) San Juan de la Cruz Priest and Doctor of the Church Today, the Roman Church celebrates St. John of the Cross, friar, reformer, theologian and poet. Of the Annunciation.... |
A Lie Has No Legs and Cannot Stand (12/14/02 07:27:00 AM; 138 words) A Lie Has No Legs and Cannot Stand But it has wings and can fly far and wide. I don't remember who wrote that epigram, but it surely applies to.... |
More on the "Previous Condition" (12/14/02 07:16:19 AM; 326 words) More on the "Previous Condition" Re: New York Post Defames Pope John Paul II. Bradley G. Kaiser writes to an e-mail list to which I am subscribed: The facts of.... |
I've Been Clarified! (12/14/02 06:55:14 AM; 78 words) I've Been Clarified! It's about time, you say. ;) Many thanks to the blogging canonist Pete Vere for his very kind words yesterday at Catholic Light: Over on The Blog.... |
Friday, December 13, 2002 | ||||
Statement by the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Boston (12/13/02 08:31:56 PM; 118 words) Statement by the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Boston On the resignation of Cardinal Law. Thanks to Gerard for blogging it today. I especially appreciate this part: .... We have witnessed.... |
"Counsel for Trent" (12/13/02 05:38:51 PM; 13 words) "Counsel for Trent" From Peggy. An insightful and moving piece today at OpinionJournal. |
Write to the New York Post (12/13/02 01:08:40 PM; 357 words) Write to the New York Post Here is my letter to Chris Shaw, cshaw @ nypost . com, news editor at the Post: Subject: You have defamed the pope: please.... |
"Pontiff Libel Watch" (12/13/02 11:57:00 AM; 912 words) "Pontiff Libel Watch" The Media Minder has very kindly noted my New York Post Defames Pope John Paul II. Canonist Pete Vere, blogging at Catholic Light, seems to agree with.... |
Re: Church Mutual Insurance Company (12/13/02 10:36:01 AM; 131 words) Re: Church Mutual Insurance Company I have received an inquiry concerning the source of the claim that "the Church Mutual Insurance Company has reported that it received over 700 claims.... |
"Molly Ivins' Crimes Against Journalism" (12/13/02 09:52:04 AM; 219 words) "Molly Ivins' Crimes Against Journalism" The Mighty Barrister socks it to another Hate America Firster. "If not for the 'unbearably bloody Crusades,' you, my dear Molly, would be typing your.... |
Boston Will Be Getting a New Archbishop (12/13/02 08:16:15 AM; 94 words) Boston Will Be Getting a New Archbishop From Guardian Unlimited today: The Pope has accepted the resignation of Cardinal Bernard Law as archbishop of Boston, the Vatican announced today. Mr.... |
Thursday, December 12, 2002 | ||||
In Light of the Law (12/12/02 09:17:38 PM; 239 words) In Light of the Law And more on Cardinal Ratzinger. From a notice at Bettnet.com, I see that Edward Peters has some very fine stuff up at his weblog. Unfortunately,.... |
New York Post Defames Pope John Paul II (12/12/02 04:19:34 PM; 471 words) New York Post Defames Pope John Paul II Somebody ought to get fired for having done this. I won't go into very much detail, because St. Blog's (or, Mark Shea's.... |
"Islam and the Church" (12/12/02 11:49:29 AM; 214 words) "Islam and the Church" "Fourteen Centuries of Jihad" Islam-Jihad at the website of Epiphany of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church, Roswell, Georgia, USA: On September 11, 2001, a day that.... |
J. C. Watts Agrees With Me, Too (12/12/02 10:39:52 AM; 223 words) J. C. Watts Agrees With Me, Too Plus, a thought on The Snake in the Grass Sen. Tom Daschle. Re: Trent Lott is a Twit: But, what's all this fuss?.... |
More on the Nobel Traitor Prize (12/12/02 09:26:15 AM; 51 words) More on the Nobel Traitor Prize A reader writes: At last somebody else shares my feeling about that pious loser. That guy has done more to undermine American interests than.... |
Tuesday, December 10, 2002 | ||||
"Nobel Traitor Prize" (12/10/02 02:32:42 PM; 148 words) "Nobel Traitor Prize" That pretty much sums up my feelings about the Bill Moyers of Politics. You know, the pious Baptist filthy-rich Communist type. But there's a lot more by.... |
David Frum Agrees With Me (12/10/02 01:37:52 PM; 158 words) David Frum Agrees With Me Sort of. I think. Maybe. Re: Trent Lott is a Twit: But, what's all this fuss? At his weblog "diary" at NRO (emphasis added): ........ |
"Surprisingly Few Adults Outside of Christianity Have Positive Views of Christians" (12/10/02 01:31:57 PM; 126 words) "Surprisingly Few Adults Outside of Christianity Have Positive Views of Christians" So says this report on a recent survey. By Barna Research: .... The survey data suggest that people form.... |
Create Your Own Catechism! (12/10/02 12:14:35 PM; 15 words) Create Your Own Catechism! By Jeff Miller at Atheist to a Theist. Don't miss it! |
Trent Lott is a Twit (12/10/02 09:15:34 AM; 82 words) Trent Lott is a Twit But, what's all this fuss? Trent Lott is a twit whom the Republicans would, I think, do much better without in a position of leadership.... |
Looking Back (12/10/02 09:08:48 AM; 561 words) Looking Back For Baby Boomers and their elders, only. A friend of mine sent me this yesterday: Looking back, it's hard to believe that we have lived as long as.... |
"The Assault on Marriage Continues" (12/10/02 08:51:34 AM; 117 words) "The Assault on Marriage Continues" By John Leo at Town Hall. A reader kindly called my attention to this article yesterday: In modern journalism, radical change is often announced by.... |
Monday, December 09, 2002 | ||||
Church Mutual Insurance Company (12/09/02 03:51:31 PM; 188 words) Church Mutual Insurance Company Jim Goodluck, a Catholic lawyer active in apologetics, posted the following to an e-mail list to which I subscribe, which I blog here with his permission:.... |
Announcement of Latest Issue of The View from the Core (12/09/02 01:45:32 PM; 92 words) Announcement of Latest Issue of The View from the Core The View from the Core Volume 2.14, 12/09/02, is now available. Front Page: Featured Webpages: 45 links posted, 9 new..... |
Aha! (12/09/02 01:24:20 PM; 310 words) Aha! Now the Howellization of Augusta National makes sense to me. Sometimes, your Faithful Blogster is a little too slow on the uptake. Sorry. I don't think I've blogged anything.... |
Swimming the Tiber (12/09/02 08:54:44 AM; 18 words) Swimming the Tiber Hooray! I'm finally cogent! Sean Roberts kindly answered an inquiry of mine the other day. |
An Open Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church in the USA (12/09/02 07:54:21 AM; 1043 words) An Open Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church in the USA After a fashion. We're all sinners. We all fall short of our goals and our ideals, of.... |
Sunday, December 08, 2002 | ||||
"Ministers reaching out to Catholics" (12/08/02 09:38:19 PM; 81 words) "Ministers reaching out to Catholics" A small sign of the Rainesification of The Boston Globe? "Rainesification"? Read "Raines-ification". Or, how about "Rainesization"? Read "Raines-ization". Amy calls our attention to this.... |
"Local Dancer Following Dream to Broadway" (12/08/02 08:06:27 PM; 290 words) "Local Dancer Following Dream to Broadway" By Joanna Blair in the Tribune-Review. A friend of mine writes today about another friend of mine: Maria Gismondi, a fixture in the theater.... |
"Liberals have lost their media monopoly" (12/08/02 08:07:29 AM; 814 words) "Liberals have lost their media monopoly" By William Rusher. I can never find William Rusher's columns anywhere on the Web. (If anybody knows where they are, would you clue me.... |
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