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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Index for Week of February 02, 2003
Saturday, February 08, 2003 | ||||
Condoleezza Rice Addresses the 51st Annual National Prayer Breakfast (02/08/03 01:37:48 PM; 462 words) Condoleezza Rice Addresses the 51st Annual National Prayer Breakfast Thursday, February 6, 2003. The text was posted at No Left Turns; I have been unable to find it anywhere else:.... |
We Are Not Alone (02/08/03 01:11:12 PM; 1210 words) We Are Not Alone Official statements of support for action against Saddam Hussein. Plus, a news item from last November on the Vilnius Group. These are kind of old news,.... |
From Dyspeptic Mutterings (02/08/03 11:33:23 AM; 670 words) From Dyspeptic Mutterings Dale Price weighs in on modern Catholic biblical "scholarship": .... So, of course, the Church naturally serves up the historical-critical method whole and undiluted in its official.... |
Sowell and Reagan (02/08/03 07:51:03 AM; 421 words) Sowell and Reagan From Thomas Sowell at TownHall: .... Like Saddam Hussein today, Hitler at first pretended to go along with these restrictions, all the while clandestinely building up his.... |
Friday, February 07, 2003 | ||||
Thanks to Rerum Novarum (02/07/03 12:32:50 PM; 186 words) Thanks to Rerum Novarum For the notice of yesterday's Ronald Reagan blog; Shawn blogged Reagan's "Rendezvous with Destiny" speech, October 27, 1964: .... They say the world has become too.... |
President Bush Addresses the 51st Annual National Prayer Breakfast (02/07/03 12:08:19 PM; 282 words) President Bush Addresses the 51st Annual National Prayer Breakfast Thursday, February 6, 2003. At the White House website: .... This is a testing time for our country. At this hour.... |
Catholics and War (02/07/03 07:41:43 AM; 1020 words) Catholics and War Calling attention to a George Weigel article at First Things, Bill Cork of Ut Unum Sint blogs today: .... Some are claiming that Church teaching has "developed".... |
Why Nudity for Peace? (02/07/03 07:27:59 AM; 139 words) Why Nudity for Peace? "It gives them maximum sense of sacrifice without requiring a real sacrifice." Susanna Cornett analyzes the... interesting... "Take Your Clothes Off For Peace" folks at cut.... |
Keep Those Cards and Letters Coming (02/07/03 07:15:21 AM; 79 words) Keep Those Cards and Letters Coming I was happy to hear from a reader yesterday: I just wanted to let you know I have been reading your weblog for several.... |
The United Nations on Trial (02/07/03 07:11:21 AM; 1711 words) The United Nations on Trial Several opinion pieces on the US and/or the UN. From the incomparable Mark Steyn in The Spectator: .... So I find myself in a position.... |
Thursday, February 06, 2003 | ||||
"Ronnie, We Hardly Knew You" (02/06/03 08:51:52 PM; 75 words) "Ronnie, We Hardly Knew You" From Steven F. Hayward at The Claremont Institute: As the nation marks Ronald Reagan's 92nd birthday on February 6, it is worth noting that a.... |
"Peace" (02/06/03 08:58:21 AM; 724 words) "Peace" A radio broadcast by Ronald Reagan, recorded April 1975. "What does it take for us to learn?" Today is Ronald Reagan's ninety-second birthday. In honor of the occasion, here.... |
Wednesday, February 05, 2003 | ||||
Vodka Must Still be the Drink of Choice (02/05/03 07:51:10 PM; 55 words) Vodka Must Still be the Drink of Choice I am given to understand that the Russians want inspectors to verify Colin Powell's claims of this morning. You know claims.... |
"The Sovereignty Con" (02/05/03 07:01:19 PM; 143 words) "The Sovereignty Con" By Ralph Peters. A bold proposal by an historian of whom The Blog from the Core has been a fan for a long time: .... Today, claims.... |
"Give Us a Chance to Build a Democratic Iraq" (02/05/03 06:54:47 PM; 197 words) "Give Us a Chance to Build a Democratic Iraq" By Barham A. Salih, co-prime minister of the Kurdistan Regional Goverment in Iraq. Here's evidence that Howell Raines must sleep now.... |
Farewell and God Speed Always (02/05/03 01:30:04 PM; 25 words) Farewell and God Speed Always To Amy Welborn's in between naps and Jeff Miller's Atheist to a Theist, each of whom shall be missed. |
Australian Archbishop Makes a Whole Lot of Sense (02/05/03 01:18:14 PM; 165 words) Australian Archbishop Makes a Whole Lot of Sense From Most Rev. George Pell in The Australian yesterday: .... Many of the persecuted Christian minority in the pagan Roman Empire were.... |
A Socialistic, America-Hating, Anti-Catholic Bigot Makes a Pretty Good Attempt at Sanity (02/05/03 01:14:05 PM; 30 words) A Socialistic, America-Hating, Anti-Catholic Bigot Makes a Pretty Good Attempt at Sanity Everybody is talking about this, by Julie Burchill in The Guardian, so I thought I'd blog it. |
What an Odd Way to Claim Innocence (02/05/03 01:10:07 PM; 124 words) What an Odd Way to Claim Innocence You know, Saddam Hussein says Iraq has no connections with al-Qaeda. (Colin Powell argued that this is not the case.) On the news.... |
Colin POWell! (02/05/03 12:54:59 PM; 273 words) Colin POWell! "And this body places itself in danger of irrelevance if it allows Iraq to continue to defy its will without responding effectively and immediately." The US Secretary of.... |
"The Christian Future" (02/05/03 07:54:36 AM; 379 words) "The Christian Future" A book review at Policy Review. Ross Douthat reviews Philip Jenkins' new book, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity: In the summer of 1998, the.... |
Tuesday, February 04, 2003 | ||||
STS-107 "Columbia" Loss FAQ (02/04/03 08:19:15 AM; 99 words) STS-107 "Columbia" Loss FAQ: Compiled & Maintained by "B0b Mosley" This FAQ copyrighted February 1, 2003, Permission to copy, store, and repost elsewhere is granted as long as the original.... |
And Some Wonder Why.... II (02/04/03 07:56:43 AM; 349 words) And Some Wonder Why.... II From The London Times, today: .... The former imam of Finsbury Park Mosque in North London came under fierce criticism from politicians and leading Muslims..... |
Monday, February 03, 2003 | ||||
Best of the Web Today... Today (02/03/03 06:01:50 PM; 215 words) Best of the Web Today... Today Your Faithful and Humble Blogster got a mention in the Big Time today (at the end): Elizabeth Crowley helps compile Best of the Web.... |
"The Kiss-Me-Kate Democrats" (02/03/03 12:06:31 PM; 233 words) "The Kiss-Me-Kate Democrats" In a column dated Jan. 28, Brent Bozell addresses the appalling, boot-licking hypocrisy of MM when it comes to Democratic politicians prostrate before left-wing pro-abortion extremists: ........ |
And Some Wonder Why.... (02/03/03 11:51:03 AM; 608 words) And Some Wonder Why.... From Reuters, Saturday: Immediate popular reaction in Baghdad on Saturday to the loss of the U.S. space shuttle Columbia and its seven-member crew -- including the.... |
Reagan and Bush on Shuttle Disasters (02/03/03 08:30:52 AM; 152 words) Bush and Reagan on Shuttle Disasters Dr. Cline of Rhetorica has a side-by-side display of President George W. Bush's address (02/01/2003) after the Columbia disaster and President Ronald Reagan's address.... |
Sunday, February 02, 2003 | ||||
"Yet We Can Pray That All Are Safely Home" (02/02/03 02:08:08 PM; 161 words) "Yet We Can Pray That All Are Safely Home" This is how I concluded my notice of the Columbia disaster yesterday morning: Please pray that the seven astronauts were able.... |
"Moon Landscape" (02/02/03 01:43:20 PM; 71 words) "Moon Landscape" A drawing by Petr Ginz (1928-1944). A copy of this drawing by a German Jewish boy exterminated in Auschwitz was taken aboard the Columbia by the Israeli astronaut.... |
"Secrecy and Suddenness of Divine Visitations" (02/02/03 09:00:02 AM; 289 words) "Secrecy and Suddenness of Divine Visitations" By Ven. John Henry Newman, February 2, 1831. Parochial and Plain Sermons II 10 .... Our Saviour was born without sin. His Mother, the.... |
The Blog from the Core © 2002-2009 E. L. Core. All rights reserved. |
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