The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 03/18/03 06:49:07 PM
Hey, Tony Blair: Who's Zooming Whom? "We face a tough and stark choice". A couple of weeks ago, every commentator on Earth was saying Tony Blair is going down in flames over his support of George W. Bush and the war against Saddam Hussein. Heck, the first cabinet resignation over Blair's war-stance signalled the beginning of the end. Or so it was said. Right? The vote in the House of Commons today gave Blair the highest margin of approval for any war-related vote yet. Here is his address to Commons today: I beg to move the motion standing on the order paper in my name and those of my Right Honourable friends. At the outset I say: it is right that this House debate this issue and pass judgement. That is the democracy that is our right but that others struggle for in vain. And again I say: I do not disrespect the views of those in opposition to mine. This is a tough choice. But it is also a stark one: to stand British troops down and turn back; or to hold firm to the course we have set. I believe we must hold firm. The question most often posed is not why does it matter? But: why does it matter so much? Here we are: the Government with its most serious test, its majority at risk, the first Cabinet resignation over an issue of policy. The main parties divided. People who agree on everything else, disagree on this and likewise, those who never agree on anything, finding common cause. The country and Parliament reflect each other: a debate that, as time has gone on has become less bitter but not less grave. So: why does it matter so much? Because the outcome of this issue will now determine more than the fate of the Iraqi regime and more than the future of the Iraqi people, for so long brutalised by Saddam. It will determine the way Britain and the world confront the central security threat of the 21st Century; the development of the UN; the relationship between Europe and the US; the relations within the EU and the way the US engages with the rest of the world. It will determine the pattern of international politics for the next generation.... One gathers that we might owe this remarkable outcome to France: apparently, the Brits are rallying to support Blair against Chirac as they might not have to support Blair against Saddam. :) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 03/18/03 06:49:07 PM |
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