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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 03/21/03 07:24:52 AM

Flight 93 Memorial

America's Small-Town 9-11 Memorial

Shanksville, Somerset County PA, USA, Wednesday, September 11, 2002.

I have blogged 25 photos, 5 each in 5 blogs, that I took at the first-anniversary memorial. Larger images are 1024x768 (suitable for hi-res wallpaper) and are tagged with "Flight 93 Memorial / Shanksville PA" in the upper left, and with "Wednesday, September 11, 2002 / America's Small-Town 9-11 Memorial" in the lower right. Here are thumbnail images to give you an idea of what's been blogged.

BTW, if you like these photos, you may want to see Rally for Freedom, my photos from the rally In Support of Our Troops, Pittsburgh PA, Saturday, March 8, 2003.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 03/21/03 07:24:52 AM
Categorized as Most Notable & Social/Cultural.


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