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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 03/25/03 07:53:54 PM

Ralph Peters Barely Disguises His Contempt for the Armchair Generals

A great read at The New York Post today:

.... Despite the steady progress of our troops, we continue to hear dire warnings about an impending bloodbath in Baghdad, once Saddam lures us into the streets of his ultimate fortress, his "Stalingrad" on the Euphrates.
Just a minute there, Herr Professor. Calm down, Dr. Think Tank. I'm just a former career soldier, so I don't understand military operations the way academics and pundits do. Explain something to me, slowly and clearly:
Why on earth would Gen. Tommy Franks do exactly what Saddam wants, and send our forces charging into the streets of Baghdad?...

(Thanks, Charles.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 03/25/03 07:53:54 PM
Categorized as War.


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