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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 03/27/03 06:32:02 PM

"Saddamizing America"

By Craig McMillan at WND today:

.... An attitude of national tolerance has served the left well. They have silenced their critics, while expanding their pet perversions into the national mainstream. An army of bastard children, abortion on demand, sexual perversion, murder, rape and robbery have resulted. All of this we as a nation have grown to tolerate. We have learned the left's values from their patient instruction and made them our own.
Perhaps that's why I'm confused. I thought that value judgments were the only sin left in modern America. But now I see professional leftists pouring out of our educational institutions and into our streets. The reason? They've made a value judgment: War with Iraq is evil, and must be stopped. Saddam Hussein should be allowed to use Iraq as his personal playpen, to develop chemical biological, and nuclear weapons, and to treat the Iraqi people like so many guinea pigs or white rats....

(Thanks, Karen.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 03/27/03 06:32:02 PM
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