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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Index for Week of March 09, 2003
    Saturday, March 15, 2003    
      The New Ultramontanism
(03/15/03 11:10:27 PM; 832 words)
The New Ultramontanism Mark over at Minute Particulars is a pretty sharp guy, who is usually careful to make necessary distinctions. His blog yesterday on Catholics and the Vatican's position....
      "Imprudent Prudence"
(03/15/03 10:40:37 PM; 134 words)
"Imprudent Prudence" At Dust in the Light today. A worthy blog from Justin Katz: .... My reaction, at least, derives from the impression that, apart from the authority granted by....
      "American Unilateralism"
(03/15/03 10:09:25 PM; 358 words)
"American Unilateralism" Also called "leadership". An address, Dec. 4, 2002, by Charles Krauthammer, in Imprimis, Jan. 2003: American unilateralism has to do with the motives and the methods of American....
      There Are Moral Issues, and Then There are Moral Issues
(03/15/03 03:51:05 PM; 531 words)
There Are Moral Issues, and Then There are Moral Issues On an e-mail list, the point was raised that Catholics really have to follow the pope on moral issues, and....
      Why You Can Disagree With the Pope on Iraq and Not be a Dissenter
(03/15/03 03:40:39 PM; 488 words)
Why You Can Disagree With the Pope on Iraq and Not be a Dissenter At Rerum Novarum. Shawn McElhinney writes today to call my attention to his blog of a....
      Should Catholics Care if the UN Doesn't Sign Off on War Against Saddam?
(03/15/03 01:41:42 PM; 420 words)
Should Catholics Care if the UN Doesn't Sign Off on War Against Saddam? I can't see why. Another post of mine to an e-mail list, responding to a remark that....
      "The Pope's Legions"
(03/15/03 09:59:46 AM; 274 words)
"The Pope's Legions" A very thoughtful editorial in yesterday's Wall Street Journal: .... We have been here before. In his otherwise positive biography of the pope, George Weigel notes that....
      Cavuto Drives a Stake Through the Heart of the Back-Stabbing French
(03/15/03 07:34:59 AM; 81 words)
Cavuto Drives a Stake Through the Heart of the Back-Stabbing French Yesterday's Common Sense by Neil Cavuto at FNC. Wow. .... You call us provincial. We call you forgetful. You....
    Friday, March 14, 2003    
      "The Resentments of Old Europe"
(03/14/03 08:10:08 PM; 299 words)
"The Resentments of Old Europe" Somebody across the pond tells it like it is. William Hague in tomorrow's Spectator: .... Without America, France would have lived in a dark age....
      All the News That's Fit to Slant
(03/14/03 07:57:15 PM; 179 words)
All the News That's Fit to Slant A damning indictment of The New York Times. At NRO today, Tom Gross (a self-described liberal) chronicles the highly selective, biased, distorted... well,....
      Slapping Around a Rhetorician
(03/14/03 12:37:13 PM; 116 words)
Slapping Around a Rhetorician Lots of fun over at Pdawwg. By Peppermint Patty today: Molly points to this sack of steaming article outlining changes in the peace protests and has....
      Susanna Goes to Town!
(03/14/03 10:00:56 AM; 138 words)
Susanna Goes to Town! Lexington, Kentucky, that is. And hangs a columnist out to dry. And she coins a new word, too! I'm on a ceaseless mission to provide you,....
      Is the Vatican's Position on the War a Moral Judgement or a Political Judgement?
(03/14/03 08:14:18 AM; 225 words)
Is the Vatican's Position on the War a Moral Judgement or a Political Judgement? From John Allen in the National Catholic Reporter today: Though Pope John Paul II’s last-ditch appeal....
      "U.S. Force Necessary to Liberate Iraq"
(03/14/03 07:53:10 AM; 114 words)
"U.S. Force Necessary to Liberate Iraq" A well-written essay by Charles Davis in today's National Catholic Reporter, who used to be against the War on Saddam Hussein but now is....
      The Core and The Gap
(03/14/03 07:07:58 AM; 866 words)
The Core and The Gap A monumental policy presentation by Thomas P.M. Barnett of the U.S. Naval War College. With a vocabulary of particular interest to The Blog from the....
      "Al Qaeda's Fantasy Ideology"
(03/14/03 06:48:50 AM; 583 words)
"Al Qaeda's Fantasy Ideology" Here is another lengthy essay from Lee Harris, author of Our World-Historical Gamble blogged yesterday; this one is from Policy Review, Aug. 2002: .... To be....
    Thursday, March 13, 2003    
      "New Western Order"
(03/13/03 08:13:00 PM; 221 words)
"New Western Order" A reader also directs me to this excellent essay by John O'Sullivan at NRO today: .... Most of the world's second-rank powers — France, Germany, Russia, and....
      Just Your Average Catholic Guy
(03/13/03 07:58:35 PM; 16 words)
Just Your Average Catholic Guy John Betts has really been on a roll yesterday and today.
      Skewered Jesuit "Ethicist"
(03/13/03 07:50:29 PM; 10 words)
Skewered Jesuit "Ethicist" At St. Blog's own Ad Orientem.
      Using a Sacrament for Political Purposes
(03/13/03 07:15:54 PM; 677 words)
Using a Sacrament for Political Purposes I received this e-mail quite a while back, when I was beginning to write "On the Edge of Forever". Though I did make a....
      Can Catholics Disregard the Pope's Guidance Without "Grave" Reason?
(03/13/03 07:00:09 PM; 508 words)
Can Catholics Disregard the Pope's Guidance Without "Grave" Reason? I have answered as follows to an inquiry as to whether Catholics can legitimately disregard the pope's opinion concerning whether a....
      "A World Split Apart"
(03/13/03 02:26:13 PM; 42 words)
"A World Split Apart" Harvard's commencement address by Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn, June 8, 1978. Thanks to a reader for calling my attention to this piece by Hugh Hewitt at The....
      The Pope, Catholics, and the War
(03/13/03 11:52:00 AM; 1124 words)
The Pope, Catholics, and the War Yesterday, the subject of the war against Saddam Hussein came up on an e-mail list to which I subscribe. Here are two of my....
    Wednesday, March 12, 2003    
      "Our World-Historical Gamble"
(03/12/03 10:56:50 AM; 974 words)
"Our World-Historical Gamble" By Lee Harris at Tech Central Station yesterday. "To watch an American city go up into a fireball is its own reward." This magnificent essay must be....
      Dear Greg Popcak
(03/12/03 08:20:16 AM; 27 words)
Dear Greg Popcak You seem to be laboring under a misunderstanding. You can't give somebody else "the last word" by adding your own words after his.
      "Crocodile Tears"
(03/12/03 07:40:35 AM; 359 words)
"Crocodile Tears" A stunning op-ed from Ralph Peters in The New York Post yesterday: .... The sorry truth is that Europeans love to cry over corpses, but won't lift a....
      Blogroll Stuff
(03/12/03 07:28:59 AM; 37 words)
Blogroll Stuff I have added the following reciprocal links to the Here a Blog, There a Blog list: Oblique House Whenever I'm in Town Xavier+ Bill's Content daleynews Pontifex Ex....
      Colin Powell on the New Threat to Civilization
(03/12/03 06:51:00 AM; 471 words)
Colin Powell on the New Threat to Civilization In his remarks yesterday, Howard Owens mentioned the following: .... In my own fumbling way a couple of times, I've tried to....
      "An Open Letter to Student Anti-War Protesters"
(03/12/03 06:39:45 AM; 376 words)
"An Open Letter to Student Anti-War Protesters" An ex-communist organizer explains how the communists influence college dupes. By Brian Sayres at FrontPage Magazine yesterday: On Wednesday, March 5th, a few....
    Tuesday, March 11, 2003    
      Happy Birthday, Keefer
(03/11/03 11:57:34 AM; 24 words)
Happy Birthday, Keefer In a World too full of Beauty for Peace, I have met nothing more beautiful. Emily Dickinson New Poems # 416
      Thanks for the Links to "On the Edge of Forever"
(03/11/03 11:36:49 AM; 738 words)
Thanks for the Links to "On the Edge of Forever" Thanks to Bryan Preston of JunkYard Blog; to Howard Owens of (sometime Global News Watch); to Domenico Bettinelli of....
      Wolves in Shepherd's Clothing
(03/11/03 07:54:05 AM; 68 words)
Wolves in Shepherd's Clothing Perfidious Priests and What Must Be Done About Them A year ago today I published the first part of my six-part article on The Situation. All....
      On the Edge of Forever: Star Trek and the War on Terrorism
(03/11/03 06:44:58 AM; 5189 words)
On the Edge of Forever: Star Trek and the War on Terrorism By E. L. Core. “Your vessel, your beginning,” intones the ominous voice, “all that you knew, is gone.”....
    Monday, March 10, 2003    
      "Spot The Difference: Bush and Clinton on Iraq"
(03/10/03 10:19:24 PM; 326 words)
"Spot The Difference: Bush and Clinton on Iraq" Excellent article by Andrew Sullivan today. .... The truth, however, is that the current Bush policy toward Iraq is indistinguishable from Bill....
      "If Ghandi Had Lived in Saddam's Iraq, He'd Be Dead"
(03/10/03 07:59:35 PM; 29 words)
"If Ghandi Had Lived in Saddam's Iraq, He'd Be Dead" A very good blog by Howard Owens, pinpointing the simple-mindedness flaws in some kinds of anti-war, anti-violence emotionalism thinking.
      "A Fisk Full of Peanuts"
(03/10/03 11:45:25 AM; 45 words)
"A Fisk Full of Peanuts" A worthy fisking, by Cato the Youngest, of a most worthy fiskee. (Thanks, Karen.) P.S. See also this by Josh Chafetz at OxBlog, referenced by....
(03/10/03 10:59:58 AM; 187 words)
InstaNod! Thanks to Glenn Harlan Reynolds for the notice of Rally for Freedom. And thanks to the fellow blogger (you know who you are) who e-mailed the link to the....
      John Betts Comes Out Swinging — Against France
(03/10/03 08:10:12 AM; 20 words)
John Betts Comes Out Swinging — Against France A tour de force :) at Just Your Average Catholic Guy.
    Sunday, March 09, 2003    
      Rally for Freedom
(03/09/03 11:37:25 PM; 254 words)
Rally for Freedom In Support of Our Troops Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Saturday, March 8, 2003. I have blogged 20 photos, 5 each in 4 blogs, that I took at the....
      Rally for Freedom Photos (4 of 4)
(03/09/03 11:28:25 PM; 100 words)
Rally for Freedom Photos (4 of 4) In Support of Our Troops Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Saturday, March 8, 2003. Larger images are 1024x768 (suitable for hi-res wallpaper) and are tagged....
      Rally for Freedom Photos (3 of 4)
(03/09/03 11:26:17 PM; 91 words)
Rally for Freedom Photos (3 of 4) In Support of Our Troops Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Saturday, March 8, 2003. Larger images are 1024x768 (suitable for hi-res wallpaper) and are tagged....
      Rally for Freedom Photos (2 of 4)
(03/09/03 11:21:28 PM; 94 words)
Rally for Freedom Photos (2 of 4) In Support of Our Troops Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Saturday, March 8, 2003. Larger images are 1024x768 (suitable for hi-res wallpaper) and are tagged....
      Rally for Freedom Photos (1 of 4)
(03/09/03 11:20:05 PM; 159 words)
Rally for Freedom Photos (1 of 4) In Support of Our Troops Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Saturday, March 8, 2003. Larger images are 1024x768 (suitable for hi-res wallpaper) and are tagged....
      First Sunday of Lent
(03/09/03 08:54:50 AM; 20 words)
First Sunday of Lent A sermon by Ven. John Henry Newman. At Newman Reader: Fasting a Source of Trial

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