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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 05/16/03 07:11:36 PM

Another Step Towards Legalizing Pedophilia

A little more than a year ago, I wrote the following in a column about "academic" "freedom" on US college campuses:

.... If you haven’t seen coming the small-step-by-small-step approach to legitimizing pedophilia, you haven’t been paying attention....

In an article in yesterday's National Post comes another step:

Although sex offenders who prey on children are demonized by society, psychiatrists who treat them say up to 3% of Canadians are sexually drawn to children.
However, most of these pedophiles do not act on their sexual fantasies. Those who do mostly engage in exhibitionism, masturbation or gentle fondling of the child.
"Fortunately, the individuals who have pedophilia ... that are likely to act out and seriously harm a child are very rare," said John Bradford, clinical director of forensic psychiatry and the sexual behaviours clinic at the Royal Ottawa Hospital.
Dr. Bradford published a study several years ago in the American Journal of Psychiatry that found only 28 patients in a database of 2,800 known pedophiles in Canada had committed acts of sexually motivated homicide or attempted homicide over a 20-year period.
"In fact, in statistical terms, if you look at children that are killed, a parent is more likely to kill a child than a pedophile is going to kill a child," said Dr. Bradford, who has assessed such notorious sexual offenders as Paul Bernardo.
Although the cause of pedophilia is unknown, studies show about 35% of pedophiles were sexually molested as children.
Brain scans indicate sexually sadistic people often have some damage to the right temporal area of the brain. These injuries are frequently caused by oxygen deficits around the time of childbirth.
"I'm convinced there's a biological component to it," Dr. Bradford said....

Got that?

(1) Three percent of the population is sexually attracted to children and (2) it's biological.

Add up (1) and (2), throw in a few more decades (years?) of propaganda, fudge the data a little bit more, reinterpret the data to eliminate those hurtful references to brain "injuries" — voila! You get (3) sexual attraction to children is normal.

That is, by and large, what they have done with homosexuality, isn't it?

Note something else, too: "However, most of these pedophiles do not act on their sexual fantasies. Those who do mostly engage in exhibitionism, masturbation or gentle fondling of the child." You know what that is a springboard for, don't you? Really, we need to have sympathy for these people. They struggle horribly against "acting out" their feelings. Embarrassed, afraid, repressing their honest impulses. "In the closet", so to speak. We really, really have to find some way to allow them to follow their true feelings.

I can almost hear it already........

(Thanks, Justin.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 05/16/03 07:11:36 PM
Categorized as Most Notable & Social/Cultural.


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