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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 05/27/03 07:01:33 PM

Female Social-Work Professor Really Needs to Get Out Among Real People More Often

That would be one Katherine van Wormer of the University of Northern Iowa.

Folks, if you ever find out that I'm about to publish something so unabashedly embarrassing to myself in a newspaper, please do whatever it takes to stop me.

This is one of those situations in which another person's perceptions and judgements are so diametrical to mine that I seriously question the person's sanity. (Heck, it's better than questioning my own sanity.) For instance, this woman thinks George W. Bush exhibits "exaggerated self-importance and grandiose behavior". I think he exhibits pretty much the opposite: humility and understated circumspection. I think this woman is confusing "self-importance" and "grandiose behavior" with making a moral choice and sticking to it. She stretches unbelievably far to try to make her point:

As governor of Texas, Bush presided over hundreds of executions; in Iraq he ordered the firing of thousands of missiles into populated areas.

Yep. As governor of Texas, Bush presided over hundreds of executionsall of which began with a prosecutor's choice to seek the death penalty and proceeded with a jury's decision to impose it. In Iraq he ordered the firing of thousands of missiles into populated areaskeeping the civilian casualty rate amazingly low and preserving much of the infrastructure while eliminating a despotic regime.

Please, please, don't ever let me embarrass myself the way this woman embarrassed herself in the San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday.

Okay. She's probably not quite nuts. Yet. But I do really think this is another case of a leftist engaging in self-important and grandiose delusional projection: she is giving us, not a window into George W. Bush's mind, but a window into her own mind.

Somebody draw the blinds — please.

See also Who's More Numerous: Left-Wing Psychotics or Right-Wing Psychotics?

(Thanks, OB.)

P.S. Don't be concerned if I embarrass myself on The Blog: I think folks are pretty much used to that. ;)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 05/27/03 07:01:33 PM
Categorized as Most Notable & Political.


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