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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 06/12/03 08:03:07 PM

The Facade Is Continuing to Crumble

Greg Packer gets around more than Bill Clinton or Jesse Jackson, even.

In a revealing column by Ann Coulter today at Town Hall, we are clued in to two remarkable facts. (1) The first person in line to buy Hillary Clinton's book "at Barnes & Noble at Lincoln Center" is a former Clinton campaigner who has been a guest of the Clintons at their homes — but did not identify himself as such. And (2) somebody named "Greg Packer" was interviewed by NYT for a "man in the street" appraisal of this (mightily ginned up) Hillary phenomenon — and has been quoted "in news stories more than 100 times as a random member of the public".

Mainstream media's ability to bamboozle us is diminishing almost every day. Hallelujah!

(Thanks, Dom.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 06/12/03 08:03:07 PM
Categorized as Media.


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