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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 06/13/03 10:03:08 AM

Translation of Job Skills/Requirements

I just came across the following in a posting at one of the Pittsburgh-area job websites:

Skills: Dibol/C/Pro C/C++/Cobol/Oracle 8.0.5-8i Oracle Financials 10.7 UNIX Requirements: Looking for someone who is aggressive and can bang out some serious quality code based on business requirements. A true software/applications engineer.

My translation:

We want a complete geek, with little or (preferably) no social skills, who can subsist on Snickers and Mountain Dew for days at a time, and doesn't quite remember what daylight looks like.

P.S. My friend Paul, a programmer/analyst, points out that I forgot to mention Ho-Hos and Fritos Corn Chips. :-)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 06/13/03 10:03:08 AM
Categorized as Other.


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