The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 06/24/03 08:07:51 AM
A Layman's Translation of Yesterday's SCOTUS Decisions How it looks from small-town America this morning. "We aren't brave enough to call racism 'racism' and denounce it as the very thing that the whole civil-rights movement was born to kill. We also aren't brave enough to admit that at least one of our prior decisions was very muddled because it, too, was founded partly on our lack of courage to call a thing what it is. Therefore, we say 'naughty-naughty' when the racism is simple and blatant, but we wink, wink, nudge, nudge when it is more subtle or easily disguised. This has two really big advantages for us, that is: (1) we don't have to face the fury of the liberal establishment, and (2) we will ensure more work, and therefore more power, to the judiciary for decades to come. Ipse dixit." P.S. Many thanks to The Mighty Barrister for his approval (first entry, Tuesday, June 24, 2003) of my translation. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 06/24/03 08:07:51 AM |
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