The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 06/30/03 08:15:30 AM
Religion of Peace? "Christians Besieged in Pakistan" So reports WaTi, June 28: .... The All Pakistan Minorities Alliance, representing Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Balmeek, Bheel, Maingwal, Zoarastrian, Bahai and Kelash communities, has compiled a "catalogue of terror" on attacks against female Christians, beginning with the May 3, 2000, gang rape of eight Christian girls by militant Muslims near Lahore. A series of either gang rapes or acid-in-the-face attacks happened in July 2000, twice in 2001, twice in 2002 and three times so far in 2003. On March 31, Natasha Emmanuel, 10, from a town near Rawalpindi, was raped by a Muslim neighbor linked with extremist Islamic organizations. The girl ended up in a hospital intensive-care unit for three days, the ICC says. "Christians in Pakistan are increasingly vulnerable to religiously motivated hate crimes, and Christian girls and women seem to be specially targeted," said Stuart Windsor, director of Christian Solidarity Worldwide in London. "We are outraged by the unwillingness of the police to investigate the complaints as this only emboldens extremists to continue to victimize Christians and other non-Muslims." .... Are there violent Christians? Sure. Do they commit violence against members of other religious groups? Sure. Does the American public defend them for having done so? No way. Do the American authorities look the other way? Certainly not. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Mon. 06/30/03 08:15:30 AM |
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