The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 07/01/03 10:08:10 AM
Impeach "Swingin' Sandra" Too Don't miss the Inimitable Mark Steyn's column, in Sunday's Chicago Sun-Times, on the latest Supreme Court decisions: .... The court's message is: As long as we don't see how the sausage is made, you're OK. Take your ''soft variables'' into the smoke-filled room. Worse, the court has dignified ''diversity'' -- a flag of activist convenience, a wily obfuscation -- as a compelling state interest, and on its promoters' terms. ''Diversity'' doesn't extend to, say, some dirtpoor piece of fundamentalist white trash. Her presence wouldn't ''enrich'' anyone. ''Diversity'' means ''more blacks.'' That's why traditional African-American colleges are exempt from its strictures: As 100 percent black schools, they're already as diverse as you can get.... It's also worthy for his delicious put-down of MoDo. (Thanks, Justin.) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 07/01/03 10:08:10 AM |
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