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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sun. 07/06/03 06:52:29 PM

A Tactical Maneuver

Homosexual Anglican priest declines appointment as Anglican bishop.

As reported — through the mist of tears, I'm sure — by the BBC today:

It follows weeks of bitter argument within the Anglican Church about whether or not he should be allowed to hold the position, because of his sexuality.
Dr John said he made the decision because of the "damage" his consecration might cause to the "unity of the Church".
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, praised his "dignity and forbearance" and made clear that homosexuals "are full and welcome members of the Church", despite "unsavoury" comments during the row.
But Dr Williams said it would not have been acceptable to see the Church split, particularly from congregations in the developing world, and that it was time for members to reflect on what had happened....

Christopher Johnson congratulates Canon Jeffrey John, today, for stepping aside:

.... Canon's John's withdrawal is a noble act and he is to be commended for putting the interests of his church over his own interests....

Call me Mr. Cynic, but I doubt it very much. I think it was a tactical maneuver, to allow heretics liberals "progressives" in the Anglican Communion some time to get more ammunition, smear more and more conservatives, and to plan a better staged assault on morality next time 'round. Two steps forward, one step back, still gets you towards your goal. One can readily gather this from Dr. William's remarks concerning "reflecting" on what had "happened" and on how to "discern the will of God".

By the way, I think some words of Dr. Williams need to be translated:

.... The Archbishop said he had been contacted by many members of the church and a number of the letters "displayed a shocking level of ignorance and hatred towards homosexual people"....

Note, first, the indiscriminate smear. On to what he meant: he received letters from people who think the Bible condemns homosexual behavior, that homosexuality is a psychological disorder, and that homosexual activity is perverse.

Thirty years from now — if not sooner — substitute "pedophilia" for "homosexuality", and you'll have the day's statement from the Archbishop of Canterbury then gloriously reigning. Or, at the least, the day's statement from ECUSA's presiding bishop.

P.S. Thanks to Midwest Conservative Journal for the link.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sun. 07/06/03 06:52:29 PM
Categorized as Most Notable & Religious.


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