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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 08/08/03 10:15:11 PM

"Christ's Teachings Could Never Be Campaign Against Gays"

Francis Cardinal George's homily, Aug. 3, responds to a malicious headline (malicious? you bet!) in the Chicago Sun-Times, Aug. 1:

.... I stand here to defend Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, against a false accusation made on the front page of the Chicago Sun-Times last Friday. The headline reads: ''Pope Launches Global Campaign against Gays.'' The pope, of course, did no such thing....
The Holy Spirit invisibly anchors the church in the truth of Christ. Truths of faith can be more adequately understood from age to age, but the Holy Spirit does not contradict himself. The Holy See, because of the personal office of the successor of Peter, is a privileged and secure visible expression of the Spirit's guidance of the church. Catholics therefore reverence the Petrine office as a gift from Christ himself and have a deep respect for the person holding that office. Divulging disinformation about the pope, engaging in anti-papal propaganda, attacks all Catholics and is usually, in history, a preparation for active persecution of the church. The Holy Father makes up nothing that he teaches. His is not the ''opinion of the Vatican.'' His is the teaching of Jesus Christ because he is the primary witness to the faith that unites us to Christ. In matters that are received over the ages and proclaimed by the pope in ours, no person who disagrees to the point of denial can claim to hold the Catholic faith. Disdain for and hatred of the pope are sure signs of anti-Catholicism....

(Thanks, Eric.)

[Follow-up: "Defending Pope and Blasting Bigoted Sun-Times Headlines and Phony Catholic Politicians in Chicago".]

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 08/08/03 10:15:11 PM
Categorized as Pope John Paul the Great & Religious.


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