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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 09/26/03 07:40:43 AM

"In a Poll, Baghdad Residents Call Freedom Worth the Price"

In NYT, Sep. 24, by Patrick Tyler:

After five months of foreign military occupation and the ouster of Saddam Hussein, nearly two-thirds of Baghdad residents believe that the removal of the Iraqi dictator has been worth the hardships they have been forced to endure, a new Gallup poll shows.
Despite the systemic collapse of government and civic institutions, a wave of looting and violence, and shortages of water and electricity, 67 percent of 1,178 Iraqis told a Gallup survey team that within five years, their lives would be better than before the American and British invasion.
Only 8 percent of those queried said they believed that their lives would be worse off as a result of the military campaign to remove Mr. Hussein and his Baath Party leadership from power....

Gee, Patrick. What does that tell you about the situation, say, a year ago? And what did you and your newspaper report about the situation a year ago?

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 09/26/03 07:40:43 AM
Categorized as International.


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