The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 10/25/03 12:34:44 PM
Reports from Terri's Frontlines Pete Vere writes, yesterday evening, about his experiences at the recent vigils at the hospice where Terri Schindler Schiavo resides. He takes note of the news coverage: .... 4) If you listened in to the mainstream media on the ground, most of the reporters are actually quite sympathetic to Terri. This wasn't the case when they arrived, but they're becoming more sympathetic every day. What's really interesting is watching them fight with the producers and the suits back in the head office over how the report is edited and spun. For this reason, some of the big news stations are starting to rotate their news teams after a couple days, while others are getting an earful as the reporters become increasingly less docile when asked to re-spin their report. The one exception, of course, seems to be Fox News which is simply allowing their crews to call it as they see it. In fact, I spent a few minutes with the Fox crew yesterday, and thanked them for their unbiased reporting. (Okay, so they aren't perfect, but they're doing a better job than the rest of the television networks.) That being said, the other reporters are not nearly as biased as they are made to look on air, and we may possibly see a press revolt before too long.... It looks as if the big shots in the media have an agenda other than reporting what's going on. Surprise, surprise, surprise. And, we get a lengthy report from Fr. Rob Johansen, early this morning: .... The Schindlers also hosted a news conference to respond to husband Michael's announcement Thursday that he would never give up his effort to see Terri dead. The Schindlers had three doctors, two nurses, and numerous family there to testify to what Terri's real condition is. I'll go into greater detail about that in a future post, probably later today. But in a nutshell, their testimony was: (a) Terri is responsive to those around her, in distinctive ways (she responds to different people differently). (b) All three doctors testified definitively and convincingly that Terri is NOT in a Persistent Vegetative State or coma. They all but begged the reporters present to stop reporting her as "brain dead" or PVS. (c) Terri would almost certainly benefit from rehabilitative therapy, which therapy husband Michael has steadfastly denied for 10 years.... He continues with a beautiful reflection on personhood and humanity. God bless Pete & his family and Fr. Rob & Msgr. Malanowski. They do us all very proud. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Sat. 10/25/03 12:34:44 PM |
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