The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sun. 10/26/03 03:14:05 PM
Schiavo on Larry King Live Michael Schiavo is scheduled to appear on Larry King "Live" tomorrow night. Amy Welborn has blogged the webpage where one may contact the show. I just left this message: I see that Michael Schiavo, the Florida man who wants his wife to be starved and dehydrated to death, is going to be the guest on the program, Monday, Oct. 27, 2003. Surely, you have the parents (or siblings) of Terri Schindler Schiavo, who do not want their daughter to be starved and dehydrated to death, scheduled to be on the program later in the week -- right? You do know that this kind of situation always has at least two sides -- don't you? And you do most certainly know that a more fair and balanced cable news network is starting to squash your shows like a bug -- in the rug? And that when you present only one side of an issue, it only makes more and more people ask themselves -- why am I watching CNN when I can watch FNC where the people are smarter, more even-handed, and better looking to boot? Anyway, I hope Larry King "Live" will ask the following questions of Schiavo: (1) What proof do you have that her condition resulted from natural causes? (2) What proof do you have that your wife would want to be killed this way? (3) Does your years-long court battle to have your wife killed have anything to do with your "engagement" to another woman and the child you already have by that other woman? (4) And what about all that money you got to spend on your wife's rehabilitation, after which you decided she might as well die? I urge you, Faithful Reader, to also write. Send it to me to blog, too, if you like. P.S. See Catholic and Enjoying It! today: .... I'm encouraging a North American phone flood into Larry King's show to put the heat on Mr. Schiavo. Be sure to be evasive about your question when you get the screeners at CNN. Don't lie. But don't make it obvious that you are there to ask non-softball questions like Larry's. Then when you get on the show, have a concise and damaging question ready to read. Go to for data. The phone number for Larry King Live is 1-800-676-2100.... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Sun. 10/26/03 03:14:05 PM |
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