The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 10/27/03 08:17:20 PM
The War Against Christianity II Kathryn Jean Lopez interviews David Limbaugh at NRO today: .... Christians, contrary to popular myth, do not want to establish a theocracy. We don't even necessarily want the government to endorse religion. I would say that the Establishment Clause certainly doesn't require a complete divorce of government and religion. The very day after the first Congress in 1789 passed the First Amendment, it declared a national day of prayer and thanksgiving. Chief Justice Story later wrote that there was never any intention by the framers to prevent the government from endorsing, in some respects, the Christian religion. Though the Constitution doesn't require the government to stay wholly out of religion, as a policy matter, in this pluralistic society, I have no problem with the government attempting to stay neutral on religion. But nature abhors a vacuum and so do the secularists. So the least we can ask for is fair play — no overt endorsement of Christianity, fine; but don't endorse competing values either. The assault on Christianity is multifaceted and therefore requires a multifaceted response. We need to fight to restore Biblical theology and moral rectitude to our churches and church governing hierarchies. We need to fight for the hearts of people in our culture. We need to fight the education establishment by opposing its monopoly on education and its militant advancement of secular humanist values and purging of Christianity. This means that we should support the home school and school choice movements. We must continue to fight in the courts and to elect presidents who will appoint, and Senators who will confirm, constitutionalist judges. And we need to keep our voices heard in the media as well. And we must couch this battle primarily in terms of religious freedom. As Christians, in the legal arena, we simply want an equal seat at the table of religious liberty. But at the level of our culture, we must understand that our freedoms are an outgrowth of our Judeo-Christian traditions. Our Christian roots make clear that it is no accident that America is the freest and most prosperous nation in the history of the world — which is why the secularists have such a compelling interest to revise history and conceal the Christian influence. No matter how ingeniously crafted the Constitution was, the framers warned that it was made only for a moral and religious people. Which means that if we abandon our absolute standards of right and wrong — the Judeo Christian ethic — in the interest of modern day notions of tolerance and diversity, we'll remove the foundation upon which our liberties are built. Maybe not immediately, but within a few generations or so, our liberties will eventually implode. As that time approaches, it will be too late for alarmism. So let's get into the fight now, while there is still time. And you can't tell me that Terri Schindler's fight is not a battle in the War Against Christianity. See also The War Against Christianity. (Thanks, Carl.) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Mon. 10/27/03 08:17:20 PM |
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