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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 11/21/03 07:44:58 PM

"Moral Blindness Blights Anti-Bush Protesters"

A spot-on article by Marcus Gee in today's Globe & Mail:

The smoke was still rising from two bombing attacks in Istanbul yesterday when tens of thousands of anti-war protesters took to the streets of London. As dazed, bleeding Turks stumbled away from the wreckage, the protesters waved placards and chanted slogans about terrorism.
But don't get them wrong. The protesters didn't come to denounce the killers of Istanbul. That's not the war they're worried about. No, they came to denounce the man whose country is leading the counterattack, the world's "number one terrorist," U.S. President George W. Bush.
Have these people no shame? Have they lost all sense of right and wrong?...
Yesterday was Nov. 20, 2003. Remember it. On that day, terrorists in Istanbul killed at least 27 people and injured more than 400. On that same day, tens of thousands of cheerful protesters marched through the streets of London calling "Stop Bush."
Have they no shame?

Have they lost all sense of right and wrong? Well, yes. Isn't that the purpose of cultural Marxist deconstruction?

(Thanks, Kathy.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 11/21/03 07:44:58 PM
Categorized as International.


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