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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Index for Week of November 30, 2003
Saturday, December 06, 2003 | ||||
Hillary Clinton Wants Enduring Socialism (12/06/03 09:41:41 AM; 724 words) Hillary Clinton Wants Enduring Socialism Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XXVIII Hillary Clinton says Bush is going to undo decades of socialistic experiments, in the Houston Chronicle, yesterday. + + +.... |
"We Love Peace Just Don't Make Us Fight For It" (12/06/03 08:50:46 AM; 358 words) "We Love Peace Just Don't Make Us Fight For It" Margaret Wente discusses Canadian attitudes towards the military in The Globe & Mail, Dec. 4: Romeo Dallaire is a.... |
Friday, December 05, 2003 | ||||
Pittsburgh's Mayor Is Friends With Racists (12/05/03 08:32:14 AM; 454 words) Pittsburgh's Mayor Is Friends With Racists Well, that's what I get out of this. Tom Murphy kind of flipped out the other day: One of America's leading apostles of city-county.... |
Thursday, December 04, 2003 | ||||
Dru Sjodin (12/04/03 09:24:38 PM; 48 words) Dru Sjodin My heart goes out to her family and friends. But, frankly, Faithful Reader, would we ever have heard about her for even a moment were she.... |
Law & Order (12/04/03 08:21:02 PM; 310 words) Law & Order A reader writes: My husband and I have been watching NBC's Law and Order series (up to three versions a week now) for a number of years..... |
A Bird's Eye View of the President's Thanksgiving Day (12/04/03 02:47:41 PM; 1107 words) A Bird's Eye View of the President's Thanksgiving Day K-Lo blogged this e-mail message at The Corner, this morning: An Email from a Captain in Iraq We knew there was.... |
"Manifestations of Anti-Semitism in the European Union" (12/04/03 07:23:46 AM; 37 words) "Manifestations of Anti-Semitism in the European Union" Here is the (formerly) suppressed report on anti-Semitism in Europe in a nice multi-page format. See The Report the EU Flunkies Don't Want.... |
Hollywood Vacuumheads Meet to Strategize Bush's 2004 Election Victory (12/04/03 07:14:39 AM; 469 words) Hollywood Vacuumheads Meet to Strategize Bush's 2004 Election Victory Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XXVII LAT reports, Dec. 3, on the latest left-wing efforts to attack the Bush administration: It was.... |
Jane Fonda's Marxoid Psychobabble (12/04/03 06:58:16 AM; 696 words) Jane Fonda's Marxoid Psychobabble Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XXVI V is for Vacuous. Hanoi Jane Fonda is hung up on one letter of the alphabet: .... It's possible that the.... |
Wednesday, December 03, 2003 | ||||
Keeping You Ahead of The Corner (12/03/03 07:41:46 PM; 27 words) Keeping You Ahead of The Corner ANOTHER GOOD QUESTION (Kathryn Jean Lopez, Tuesday, December 02, 2003, 03:17 PM) Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XVIII (tBftC, 11/29/03 12:29:06 PM) |
Political Dirty Tricks by Democrats in New Jersey? (12/03/03 07:22:35 PM; 356 words) Political Dirty Tricks by Democrats in New Jersey? Okay, maybe this wouldn't really be news anyway. From the Star-Ledger, Nov. 30: A former lieutenant in the New Jersey State Police.... |
What's Dean Got to Hide? (12/03/03 07:50:40 AM; 934 words) What's Dean Got to Hide? Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XXV Howard Dean seals his gubernatorial records for a decade and falsely accuses George W. Bush of having done much the.... |
"Baghdad In an Alternate Universe" (12/03/03 07:43:13 AM; 524 words) Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XXIV Dorothy Rabinowitz makes some observations at OpinionJournal, yesterday, on media coverage of the president's Thanksgiving Day trip to Baghdad: .... But the reality of.... |
Tuesday, December 02, 2003 | ||||
Federalism Shmederalism (12/02/03 10:46:47 PM; 344 words) Federalism Shmederalism Got your attention? :-) If you have been reading The Blog from the Core for a while and, surely, Faithful Reader, you have been doing so :-).... |
The Report the EU Flunkies Don't Want You to See (12/02/03 06:35:55 PM; 68 words) The Report the EU Flunkies Don't Want You to See The rash of leaking is spreading overseas now. As you probably have heard already, EU flunkies wanted to suppress this.... |
"These Men and Women in the Military are Not Protecting Me...." (12/02/03 06:15:33 PM; 702 words) "These Men and Women in the Military are Not Protecting Me...." Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XXIII Letters to the Editor in the San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 28. + + +.... |
New Anti-American Propaganda from Hollywood Vacuumhead (12/02/03 06:01:42 PM; 887 words) New Anti-American Propaganda from Hollywood Vacuumhead Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XXII Here's an article on Tim Robbins' new anti-American propaganda, at FNC yesterday (ellipses in original). + + + +.... |
"Judge: Excluding Anti-Gay View at School Forum Troubling" (12/02/03 07:46:02 AM; 150 words) "Judge: Excluding Anti-Gay View at School Forum Troubling" From the Detroit Free Press, Nov. 25: .... Hinting at how he might rule in a lawsuit filed by former Pioneer High.... |
Monday, December 01, 2003 | ||||
SAM Looks at Al-Jazeera (12/01/03 09:04:22 PM; 442 words) SAM Looks at Al-Jazeera And finds its "reporting" remarkably familiar. At SecretAgentMan's Dossier, Nov. 29 (embedded ellipses in original): .... Like I said, that's not really the surprising thing about.... |
Eight Hundred and Sixty-One (12/01/03 08:56:41 PM; 19 words) Eight Hundred and Sixty-One Spams so far since last Tuesday. Up from last week's Seven Hundred and Forty-Eight. |
"Dean Assails Bush on Defense" (12/01/03 08:53:19 PM; 191 words) "Dean Assails Bush on Defense" Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XXI The alleged frontrunner speaks up, in WaPo today: Howard Dean launched a full-throated attack on President Bush's foreign policy acumen.... |
Summit Meeting Between Wesley Clark and Madonna (12/01/03 08:29:33 PM; 1016 words) Summit Meeting Between Wesley Clark and Madonna Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XX Gen. Wesley Clark goes to Hollywood for advice on starting an acting career. Well... isn't that what a.... |
The Homosexual Revolution (12/01/03 08:02:00 AM; 388 words) The Homosexual Revolution Brent Bozell writes at MRC, Nov. 26: .... Newspapers everywhere featured the gay plaintiffs in Massachusetts in embraces of celebration. The political battle was between "gay activists".... |
Sunday, November 30, 2003 | ||||
Lieberman Points to Clinton and Carter as Possible Role Models (11/30/03 09:09:41 PM; 304 words) Lieberman Points to Clinton and Carter as Possible Role Models Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XIX Sen. Joseph Lieberman, whom many think to be the most "moderate" of the Democratic presidential.... |
Hollywood Stabs a Traitor in the Back (11/30/03 06:54:01 PM; 161 words) Hollywood Stabs a Traitor in the Back Showtime airs The Reagans tonight. A traitor? Ronald Reagan?!? You bet! First, he was a Hollywood liberal Democrat turned conservative Republican. Oh, my..... |
Three from Morrison II (11/30/03 02:23:07 PM; 393 words) Three from Morrison II Poems from Masterpieces of Religious Verse. The Things of the Spirit Thank God for life! There! A meadowlark sings! Do you hear it? For the sigh.... |
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