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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 12/04/03 07:14:39 AM

Hollywood Vacuumheads Meet to Strategize Bush's 2004 Election Victory

Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XXVII

LAT reports, Dec. 3, on the latest left-wing efforts to attack the Bush administration:

It was the kind of evening Hollywood is known for: a gathering of deep-pocketed entertainment industry liberals to discuss a strategy for electing a Democratic president next year.
But as guests arrived at the Beverly Hilton on Tuesday night, the meeting had become a target of conservatives, who attacked it as a symbol of excessive liberal rage toward President Bush.
Campaign finance reform advocates, meanwhile, worried that it exemplified efforts to dodge new campaign finance laws banning unlimited political contributions.
The session — initiated by Laurie David, wife of HBO star Larry David, and co-hosted by actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus and 20 others — was an attempt to acquaint the liberals with America Coming Together, an initiative to mobilize Democrats in 17 states that may prove crucial to the outcome of the 2004 presidential race....
Marge Tabankin, a Hollywood political consultant and one of the hosts of Tuesday's meeting, said Republicans "are looking at what the Democrats are doing and they're getting really nervous and they're trying to blow it up. What they're realizing is that this time around, there is likely to be a more level playing field, financially."
If the meeting demonstrated the depth of opposition to the Bush administration among many in Hollywood, it also underscored the hostility many conservatives feel toward what they term the "cultural elite."
Calls and faxes attacking the gathering's sponsors — some of them anti-Semitic — came in from around the country from people who heard about it on conservative talk radio.
But in Los Angeles, the unexpected buzz caused the event to mushroom from 100 people to 230 — prompting the organizers to find a bigger room at the Beverly Hilton and to turn away many people who wanted to come, organizers said.
Among those expected to attend were Christine Lahti, Aaron Sorkin, Rob Reiner, Heather Thomas, producer Paula Weinstein, and "MASH" television star Mike Farrell.
Director Robert Greenwald, a co-host, joked that organizers would have to thank their detractors — "or put them on retainer."

This is elitist cultural Marxism at its hypocritical finest.

Oh, I'm not red-baiting. In case you haven't heard of Marge Tabankin, here's a bit of information on her:

.... During the Vietnam War Tabankin visited Hanoi to offer its totalitarian masters moral support. What else she offered the regime is not on record, at least not in Washington.
Tabankin was also very active in Soviet front organizations and is closely linked to the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), Washington-based Marxist-Leninist 'think tank' that used to act as a front for the KGB. Tabankin share [sic] the IPS's view that America is the real enemy....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 12/04/03 07:14:39 AM
Categorized as Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode & Political.


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