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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 12/08/03 07:45:20 AM

Hillary and 2004

A reader writes:

What we think of as extremist and contradictory and just plain lies by Hillary are absorbed by a large portion of the body politic with agreement. They see pictures of her smiling and looking pretty and think she is caring, smart and a woman to admire. Since she gets continual play by the media and no hard analysis of her past, her political philosophy (Marxism), or the contradictory nature of her ideas on foreign policy, she is very likely to be the candidate in 2004 — a candidate by acclimation at the convention where she will have skirted debate and hard questioning.
I think that only indictment on one of her many past illegal activities will act to deter her thrust into the presidency. Though her supporters in the media will cry, "politics," she deserves indictment for many past activities, and it would deflect her energies into self defense. Why not include Bill in the indictments? That would keep both of them busy, broke, and off the world stage. Oh, I forgot that George Soros would be happy to pay her legal bills, so forget "broke."

Like David Frum (in a "diary" entry I can't find now) the other day, I think Hillary has no intention whatever of running for president next year: she wants the Democratic candidate to get clobbered, and the Democrats to lose even more seats in the Congress, so she can "save" the party in 2008. (If they actually let her try to do that, they'll be conveniently forgetting or ignoring that the party's race towards oblivion accelerated dramatically with the introduction of the Clintons to the White House.) Hillary does not want to run against a sitting president whom she'll actually have to give a good fight.

P.S. Thanks to Lead and Gold and Dust in the Light.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 12/08/03 07:45:20 AM
Categorized as Political.


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