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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 12/08/03 08:09:40 AM

Another Battle in the War Against Christianity

Reported in The Record-Journal in Connecticut:

Mary Morley is no Rembrandt.
So while the Dutch master's "Christ Healing the Sick" appears in books in the children's section of the Meriden Public Library, library officials will not allow the local artist's paintings of Jesus in its gallery....
The show could go on as scheduled, library administrators told her, just without the images of Jesus.
The accepted paintings included a tribute to victims of 9-11, portraits of Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Mother Theresa and even Pope John Paul II. The library would also allow images from the Old Testament including David and Goliath, Moses with the Ten Commandments and the prophet Elijah, as well as a painting of two figures in prayer and an abstract called "Angels in the Tunnel."
When library officials told her the work was not acceptable, Morley tried to convince them to at least include either the Nativity or the Resurrection paintings.
Still, Library Director Marcia Trotta said no.
"It kind of tears the whole thing apart," said Morley, who decided to cancel her show, which was meant to start Dec. 1.
Morley said library officials told her the painting of the crucifixion and one of Christ carrying the cross might be disturbing to children. As for the Nativity scene, the painting of the resurrection, or the portrait of Jesus with a halo and an inscription from the New Testament, Morley said she got no clear explanation about what made them inappropriate....

That's because nobody had the nerve to come right out and say We can't have Jesus Christ prominent in a public library.

See also The War Against Christianity II and The War Against Christianity.

(Thanks, Kathy.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 12/08/03 08:09:40 AM
Categorized as Religious.


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