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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 12/08/03 02:58:42 PM

John "F" Kerry

Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XXX

If you recall, John F. Kennedy Kerry was the nominee anointed early on by the mainstream-media arm of the Democratic party. Times long gone. Now, he swears in print, in an interview at Rolling Stone that does nothing (that I can see) to make him look better, Dec. 2 (emphasis in original):

On a Friday in November, at the end of a tough week, John Kerry projects an aura of friendly confidence that suggests he is either out of touch with reality or has the serenity of a Zen master....
Neither a bleeding heart, an insurgent, a new face nor a technocrat, Kerry is selling himself to voters as the guy who knows how the game is played in Washington. His challenge will be to show them that's not all he knows....
It seems that the fact that you voted in support of the president's war resolution has caused you a lot of trouble in your campaign. Do you regret supporting the president?
What I regret most of all is the way the administration dealt with it — the extraordinary failure of the administration to keep its promises, to be mature and thoughtful about how you take a nation to war. They misled us; they presented false intelligence to us. The president made a series of promises to us — number one, that he was gonna make every effort possible to build a legitimate coalition. He did not — he built a fraudulent coalition. Second, he was gonna exhaust the remedies of the United Nations and the inspection process. He did not. And third, that he would go to war as a last resort. He did not.
I voted to protect the security of our country, based on the notion that the only way to get inspectors back in was to have a legitimate threat of force and the potential of using it. They took that legitimacy and bastardized it. If I were president, we would not be in Iraq today — we would not be at war. This president abused the process....
When the other Democratic candidates talk about Bush, they pretty much just bash his policies. You not only do that, but you also question his basic fitness to serve — you just said he was incompetent. My question is: When Republicans ran against Clinton, they made a huge issue out of Clinton's character. Why isn't the character issue being taken to George Bush?
If you're running for the presidency, there are other things you have to focus on. I want to paint an optimistic, hopeful vision for the country and open people's eyes to the things that we could be doing with respect to, say, energy independence. In the 1930s, we thought it was critical to get electricity out into rural America, right? I think it's critical to get clean energy out to every part of America. Let's help create the framework to do it.
Did you feel you were blindsided by Dean's success?
Well, not blindsided. I mean, when I voted for the war, I voted for what I thought was best for the country. Did I expect Howard Dean to go off to the left and say, "I'm against everything"? Sure. Did I expect George Bush to f**k it up as badly as he did? I don't think anybody did.
Do you see Dean as the next George McGovern? It's being said that the Republicans are foaming at the mouth to go against Dean.
Republicans have been contributing to Dean's campaign on the Internet. Look, Bush stood up in the White House Rose Garden a week ago and said, "I'm gonna run for re-election on the basis of my pre-emption doctrine and our ability to make the world safer." He has declared his strategy. And unless we have a nominee who can go right at him on that strategy, we're gonna be in trouble....

I think the most interesting thing here is that Kerry is agreeing with Republicans who think Dean is, quite precisely, the man to beat next Fall. Which, alas for John F. Kennedy John F. Kerry, is not nearly the same as being the man to beat next Spring.

Interesting opinions in the New York Post, Dec. 6 (brackets & embedded ellipsis in original):

.... Brookings Institution presidential scholar Stephen Hess said he can't recall another candidate attacking a president with X-rated language in a public interview.
"It's so unnecessary," Hess said. "In a way it's a kind of pandering [by Kerry] to a group he sees as hip . . . I think John Kerry is going to regret saying this."
Kerry was accurately quoted in Rolling Stone, said spokesman David Wade, adding the X-rated language reflects the fact that Bush's Iraq policy "makes John Kerry's blood boil." ....

Sure. But Dean beating him 3-to-1 in the polls gets him pretty hot, too.

Hmmm. Is sexsaxophone next?

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 12/08/03 02:58:42 PM
Categorized as Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode & John Kerry & Political.


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