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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 12/08/03 07:27:41 PM

President Bush Gets an Early Christmas Gift — From Al Gore

Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode XXXI

My friend Paul — saying President Bush gets an early Christmas gift from "Algore" — calls my attention to this FNC article today:

Former Vice President Al Gore plans to back Democratic presidential front-runner Howard Dean, Fox News has confirmed Monday.
Gore, the Democratic candidate defeated by President Bush in 2000, will make an announcement with Dean on Tuesday in the Harlem section of New York City.
The two then plan to head to Iowa, site of the first-in-the-nation Jan. 19 caucuses, a Democratic source close to Gore said.
The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Dean will return from Iowa in time for the Tuesday night Democratic debate in New Hampshire.
Dean's campaign declined to comment.
The move is a further blow to the campaign of Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, who was Gore's vice presidential running mate when the two won the popular vote....

Harlem. Harlem? Harlem! Could you find two whiter white guys than Gore and Dean? One must wonder what on earth Al Sharpton is going to think of this. And one figures that one probably won't have to wonder for long........

P.S. I know, I know: Bill Clinton has a brothel an office in Harlem. I don't know if it's significant. But some folks think the choice of Harlem was a slap in the face to Clinton, who (they think) is a foe of Dean.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 12/08/03 07:27:41 PM
Categorized as Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode & Political.


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