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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 12/16/03 06:09:46 PM

"The Campaign of Hate and Fear"

A stunning indictment of Democratic politics in public life and media, by Orson Scott Card at OpinionJournal, today:

.... I can think of many, many reasons why the Republicans should not control both houses of Congress and the White House. But right now, if the alternative is the Democratic Party as led in Congress and as exemplified by the current candidates for the Democratic nomination, then I can't be the only Democrat who will, with great reluctance, vote not just for George W. Bush, but also for every other candidate of the only party that seems committed to fighting abroad to destroy the enemies that seek to kill us and our friends at home.
And if we elect a government that subverts or weakens or ends our war against terrorism, we can count on this: We will soon face enemies that will make 9/11 look like stubbing our toe, and they will attack us with the confidence and determination that come from knowing that we don't have the will to sustain a war all the way to the end.

Read the whole thing.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 12/16/03 06:09:46 PM
Categorized as Political.


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