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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 12/18/03 08:03:39 AM

Re: Martino and Saddam

From a reader concerning Vatican Cardinal Says Dentists Are Veterinarians:

"My God! O the humanity! We've seen pictures of the brutal, murderous despot getting an oral examination! Why O why didn't the horrible invaders spare us this torture?"
You made my day! Has the Church gone mad? No wonder they have no ability to deal with the underlying problems that have led to the sexual scandal. If their view of reality is so skewed, they are hopeless. We need the Holy Spirit to really zap our leaders -- whatever dosage of grace He was using hasn't been enough.

Michael Novak provides some helpful background information at NRO, yesterday:

The Italian newspaper Il Foglio ran a piece Dec. 16 about the frustration at the Vatican, at the secretariat of state, with the imprudent, irascible anti-Americanism of Cardinal Martino, an unfortunate recent appointment (late last year) to the Council for Justice and Peace, who has not ceased being an embarrassment to his superiors.
When I was in Rome last February, Cardinal Martino was already under heavy fire for his intemperate and irrepressible anti-Americanism. Even those who before the war leaned more to the French/German position than to the American were dismayed by his uncalled-for comments....

(Thanks, Mark.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 12/18/03 08:03:39 AM
Categorized as Religious.


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