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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 12/19/03 09:57:28 PM

"Florida Islamic Conference Outed As Jihad-Fest"

Another story you won't see in the pages of NYT.

An article at MichNews, Dec. 19:

Although possibly viewed as heretical – in some quarters – it is really hard to ignore the fact that one of Mohammed’s prime intentions, when creating Islam was to unite the warring Arab tribes and factions into one nation.
This statement is not meant to demean the softer, more lofty side of the religion – especially considering that much of it is derived from the Bible – but it is really necessary to grasp this key fact – of Islam’s practicality and historic use as an organizing principle – if one is to understand both its promise and more darkly, its potential as a true threat.
We will leave the aspect of Islam’s promise to others, possibly better able to convey Islam’s beneficent side, since that doesn’t get people killed.
Much has been written since September, 11 2001 about Islam. Unfortunately much of what has been written is more influenced by the intellectual straightjacket enforced by the diversity crowd rather than by a cold and hard appraisal of the facts at hand.
Fact: There are adherents to a radical form of Islam and they comprise the majority of the terrorist threat against Israel, the United States and the Western democracies.
We can argue what percentage of this faith is represented by the radicals, but the existence of a virulent sect within Islam cannot be denied.
Here in the United States we take justifiable pride in accommodating many diverse cultures, lifestyles and beliefs. It is said ad-nauseum, that we are a nation of immigrants, and that is absolutely correct. However this very accommodation, this willingness to uncritically accept people at their word places us at potential great peril....

(Thanks, Charles.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 12/19/03 09:57:28 PM
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