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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 12/29/03 08:34:25 PM

High Alert is "Scare Tactic"

Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode LXVIII

Howard Dean — sorry, force of habit — Ohio's Dennis Kucinich stands alone in an AP article at The Boston Globe, Dec. 27.

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The Bush administration is using elevated terror alerts for political gain, Democrat Dennis Kucinich said.

The Ohio congressman, campaigning at a library services company in central New Hampshire on Friday, said if administration officials have information about terror threats, they should act on it, instead of advertising the threat to scare Americans.

"The government is trying to place fear everywhere," he said.

The elevated terror alert level over the holidays is confusing Americans and accomplishing little, he said.

"Why didn't they just put extra security out?" he asked. "They are building up fear to become more powerful politically."

Kucinich, who will begin airing TV ads in New Hampshire on Jan. 4, said he plans to focus on the fear he says Bush is promoting.

"My whole campaign is to challenge this fear, this fear about the Patriot Act, the fear about Iraq. The fear of Iraq was not founded. They didn't attack us. They didn't have weapons of mass destruction."

Kucinich says he would quickly pull American troops out of Iraq if elected.

"I stand alone with an exit plan," he told the Associated Press on Friday. "This administration apparently does not want to get out."

He said his campaign was boosted in New Hampshire by his performance in a televised debate Dec. 9, in which he charged that moderator Ted Koppel was trivializing the debate by asking about polls.

"That was my introduction to the people of New Hampshire," he said. "It came from a strong position of strength; it's a good place to be."

Kucinich, who complained in the debate about the media's focus on horse race tactics, used an equine metaphor on Friday.

"I think we are going to be the Seabiscuit of the 2004 race. We're moving into position in time for the stretch," he said.

© Copyright 2003 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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You know, it is insulting to the entire United States of America, if not the rest of the known universe, that this radical leftist nincompoop is treated by the Democratic Party (both political-establishment and mainstream-media wings) as if he were a serious candidate for the presidency of the country. They deserve to lose every damn election for the next 10,000 years for inflicting this freak on the rest of us.

(Thanks, Charles.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 12/29/03 08:34:25 PM
Categorized as Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode & Political.


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